Valoración de Empresas

Libro “Valuation and Common Sense” (3ª edición)

Hemos mejorado el libro:

1. Las tablas (con los cálculos) y las figuras se pueden descargar en Excel en:

2. Hemos añadido preguntas al final de cada capítulo

3. 5 capítulos nuevos

Book “Valuation and Common Sense” (3rd edition). May be downloaded for free

The book explains the nuances of different valuation methods and provides the reader with the tools for analyzing and valuing any business, no matter how complex. The book has 326 tables, 190 diagrams and more than 180 examples to help the reader. It also has 480 readers' comments of previous editions.

The book has 36 chapters. Each chapter may be downloaded for free at the following links: