Aquatic Ecology

Aquatic Ecology - High School

Water covers 75% of our planet’s surface. It comprises the majority of most living things. It moderates our climate. It makes some ecosystems flourish and is the major limiting factor in others. It is the fluid of life. Without water, life could not exist. This simple molecule, with many unique properties, makes life possible.

Water is considered to be a renewable resource because it can be recycled and it depends on mankind’s care of the resource to take care of it. Man often takes this vital resource for granted, as Benjamin Franklin pointed out in his simple statement, “When the well is dry, we know the worth of water."

Aquatics is the study of water and related ecosystems including streams, rivers, ponds, lakes, wetlands and the oceans. There are habitats within, on, surrounding, and under bodies of water and their associated wetland areas. These areas also support and provide the food supply for many terrestrial wildlife species.

In this section you will examine the nature, importance, roles, cycling, and ecosystems of water, as well as, methods to conserve and protect our water resources. Please refer to the resources listed below for study materials:

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