External Links

An Illustrated History of the Embroidered Silk Postcards is the standard reference book on embroidered silk postcards. It contains references to over 2600 different cards with over 270 illustrations. The book and this website are the main sources for information on embroidered silk postcards. This website lists cards discovered since the book was published, plus additional sections on Greetings Cards and Early (pre-1914) Cards. The new additions are shown in RED.

There are very few websites available on embroidered silk postcards and they give a superficial view of the subject. They all appear to source their information from my book, and I see my own comments being repeated (even ones that I know are now wrong). I have seen a few YouTube films that also use my book as their source. These sites tend to repeat the myths about the embroidered silk postcards being made by hand and do not seem to have caught up with my latest research.

The Imperial War Museum has a page on its website: www.iwm.org.uk/history/embroidered-silk-postcards

Other websites that were available in the past seem to have been terminated or changed into something different.

Information and images on this site are © Ian Collins 2021.

No part may be reproduced, stored, transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the author.



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