An Illustrated History of the Embroidered Silk Postcards is the standard reference book on embroidered silk postcards. It contains references to over 2600 different cards with over 270 illustrations. The book and this website are the only sources for information on the publishers of embroidered silk postcards. This page lists cards discovered since the book was published, plus additional sections on Greetings Cards and Early (pre-1914) Cards. The new additions are shown in RED.
The majority of embroidered silk postcards were published in France, followed by some in Britain, Switzerland and the United States. It is likely that all the same publishers were also producing picture postcards at the same time. The embroidered silk panels all seem to have been produced in France or Switzerland.
At least 40 French publishers have been recorded and, sometimes, the same design is seen from more than one publisher. Many of them printed their initials on the reverse of the card, but about 38% of cards have no indication of a publisher. None of the cards are numbered or sequenced in any way. Consequently, this area is very complex. The known information on them is summarised in the book and on this site.
The British publishers are a little easier to unravel. Birn Brothers cards are unique and distinctive, and receive a section of their own. The City Embroidery Company of Leicester was active in the 1960s and the cards they produced are also distinctive. Their production was limited but sufficient for them to merit a section, and this website is the only source of information on the cards produced by the company.
Other British publishers include the Inter Art Company and Raphael Tuck & Co. and these are described in detail in my book. The limited amount of new information on these publishers is given under Other Publishers.
Images of a representative selection of cards are shown beneath the listings.
Information and images on this site are © Ian Collins 2021.
No part may be reproduced, stored, transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the author.