Visual Basic

MaC 1000 Visual Basic Dr. Schwartz










Programing in Visual Basic 5.0

Julia Case Bradley and Anita C. Millspaugh

Irwin/McGraw Hill

We will study event driven programming and rapid prototyping. We will learn about the Windows environment and write Windows applications using Visual Basic as an implementation tool. As we crea te more complex applications, we will study many of the features and capabilities of Visual Basic.

There will be a mid-term counting 23%, a final counting 38% and at least six programming assignments counting the remaining 39% of the grade.

Since attendance in this course is vital, attendance will be taken. Any student with 3 or fewer absences may drop, without penalty, a program grade from the calculation of the final grade.

It is not surprising that there is a great deal of information available on the web about Visual Basic. What follows is a short list of a few sites with information on Visual Basic.

In addition, you can search the web for Visual Basic. There are many search engines. One place to start is: Alta Vista.

The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science has a written policy on Academic Dishonesty. To read this policy click the plagiarism link.

Monday and Thursday, 2:30 - 4:00 and by appointment

Room 8, Brownson Wing

Telephone: 914 323 5324

I can, of course, always be reached by email at