Math 1007
Mathematics for Liberal Arts - Selected Topics
Dr. Schwartz
For All Practical Purposes, Introduction to Contemporary Mathematics 9th Edition
W.H. Freeman and Co.
The textbook, For All Practical Purposes, is available in a variety of versions. It may be purchased from online booksellers. It can also be used electronically.
We will examining many different types of problems and explore methods (usually "mathematical" methods) of solving these problems.
There will be two take-home problem sets, each counting 21% of the final grade. There will be a mid-term counting 21% of the final grade. There will be some quizzes counting a total of 10% and a final exam counting 27% of the final grade.
Note: Every cell phone use during class is prohibited. Any instance of cell phone use will result in a 1 point deduction from the final overall average.
Missing an exam: There are events in life that are more important than an exam - but not many! A serious reason (health, family death etc.) that you have documentation for will be accommodated by a make up exam for full credit. Any other reason will lead to a penalty of 20% on the make up exam.
Office hours:
Tuesday & Friday 10:30 - 11:30 and by appointment every day.
Room 8 - Brownson Wing
I can, of course, always be reached by email at .
My office is in Brownson Wing 8.
My voicemail (which I do NOT check with any regularity) is at 323-1555.
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