Marshals - Sykers

Well if you stuck around to this point i guess you can know some of the super secret squirrel club stuff.

Cyberkinesis and the Machine head Implant

this small box features a cerebral needle that makes contact with the brain and allows the Sykers thoughts to access and interface with a data port, usually placed on the side of the temple or base of the skull.

a standard datajack will fit the socket and so will normal dataslugs.

while connected to a machine with a CPU the Syker can control the machine as if their thoughts were the OS of the device.
This can turn an ordinary Syker into an "Ace Race Car driver" if the machine has a computer controlled engine and steering. more importantly they can operate a modern military vehicle like a pro while running its sensors and firing its weapons.

This interface allows instant control and access even if they have never driven a vehicle or flown a jet in their life.

This bonus only applies to devices that are "Controlled by a CPU"

All checks for using the item use Blastin' instead of the skill or attribute they normally would. Using a machine head interface does come with some down sides, the Syker is "Always connected to the net", "Vulnerable to EMP" and "Hackable"
Using a Machine Head interface costs 1 spirit per scene plus 1 spirit for each action under stress. If the device is "Inhabited by an AI" or "Running via a Tech Spirit" then an overcome action needs to be performed by the Syker against the devices rating + scene rating.

Wendigos and the Oath of Unity

Hoo boy is this a fun ride. Of all the Units on Banshee only the Wedigos really got to knowing what was going on.

They knew about Red and the problems its users suffer from (Red Zombies) how it works by burning up your soul in sacrifice to the Horsemen, They were sworn to secrecy by Warfield on this matter, but with the return home these Sykokinetic bonds have slipped slightly and they are trying to get the word out to stop Sykers using Red.

By the closing days of the conflict they knew how the whole planet of Banshee was a single super organism and the Anouks living in harmony with it. How the Skinnies were powerful Psychic Entities from yet another planet that had invaded and been trapped/imprisoned there. And how that very same Psionic force could potentially trap evil spirits as powerful as the Horsemen had become.
Of all the Units on Banshee the Wendigos were the only ones not to make use in any way of the Banshee stones. this protected them from the mental predations of the Skinnies.
When the Oath of unity was being sworn the Wendigos swore their oath to Banshee and its people. Hence why they did not get marked with the Apostate A. Those who are on Earth are looking for ways to get back up to the "Tunnel" and reactivate it to return to Banshee.