Fate Deadlands

Fate to DL:Hoe ideas

Like accelerated with Stats as Ladder (Cognition, Smarts, Knowledge, Mien. Deftness, Nimbleness, Quickness, Strength)  

Spirit is a Resource ladder. Vigour is a resource ladder .

Skills become Stunts:
Start the Refresh at 3 but require at least 10 skills? 

I get +2 Knowledge when using my occult Engineering to create and advantage because I am a "chamber Trained Junker"

Aspects become permissions to invoke or generate on the fly stunts. 

Edges become stunts:  I get +2 Cognition when visually searching because i have "Keen Eyes"

Hindrances become extra troubles :  I get into trouble because I have "Bad Ears", Innocent bystanders tend to die more often around me for unexplainable reasons because I am a "Grim Servant o Death"

Powers  become stunts designed to Overcome, Create Advantage, Attack or Defend.

Veteran o the Wasted west Adds 3 Skills, 1 fate point and Two troubles one of which must be a Major Problem
Veteran of the Faraway war:  Adds 3 Skill, 1 Fate point, Either the "Unity Pledge" or "Apostate" trouble, and one other Banshee related trouble or "War Crime"
Veteran o the Weird West Adds 6 Skills and allows a Double up Stunt (+4 to a Stat), 2 Fate points, Three Troubles Two of which must be a Major Problem

Major Problem troubles have to discard all current fate points (minimum 2)  to resist a compel. and only earn a fate point from the second compel per session. 

When you take damage: Work out the total bonus:
[Attack roll + Stat +Stunts + Weapon bonus]
- [Defenders Dodge roll (if vamoosing)-Defenders Armour]
+Location Bonus damage  
divide the damage by your  Size (default 6)  and the result is the wound taken (0-1 Minor, 1-2  Heavy, 2-3 Serious, 3-4 Critical 4+ Maimed/Deadly) If you cannot take the level of that wound you take the next level higher.
Every time you take a wound you lose 1 point of vigour (wind) 

Doomsayers, Sykers, Wiches, Hucksters and Shamans all use Spirit to invoke their powers. See No mans land: Arcane backgrounds for more information

Four Options per Stunt/Stunt format

Stunts can allow a Stat to be used to attack. By default everyone can use nimbleness to attack with their fists or a melee weapon, and deftness to attack with a gun, bow or thrown weapon. 

Stunts can allow a stat to be used to defend. by default everyone can use nimbleness to get out of the way of an attack. or to parry a melee attack if armed appropriately (parrying with your fists is just a way of taking wounds to the arms) 

Stunts can be used to Create an Advantage, this may require an Arcane background  aspect as permission. By default any Advantage created has 1 invoke useable by the creator, this can be traded to create a permanent aspect/item if the arcane background permission allows.

Stunts can be used to Overcome an Obstacle, this may require an aspect permission. 


Doc Blood a sawbones and scary wandering law dog, has a stunt that allows him to bring his not inconsiderable medical knowledge to bear when making melee attacks:
Stunt: Surgical strikes, Because I was a Medical Doctor before the War I can use my Knowledge to make Melee Attacks with Small Weapons

The good doctor also leans into his intimidation to protect himself from harm:
Stunt: Fearsome Reputation: Because I am a Law Dog and have a reputation for leaving opponents crippled I can used my Mien to defend against Melee attackers

He carries NA emergency medical pack and always trades to his advantage to keep it well stocked
Stunt: Medical Provisions: I can use my Medical training and knowledge of drugs and treatments to deal with all manner of ailments, when diagnosing a patient I can create an advantage by using my provisions to help treat the condition/wound.

and finally the good doctor has an old Hellstrom Industries Priest 350 Hoverbike that he uses to get around
Stunt:  Vintage Hoverbike: Because I know the specs and engineering of my bike, I can use my hoverbike to outrun and outfly most pursuers as well as catch fleeing perpetrators, I can use my Knowledge to Overcome obstacles during chase scenes. 

Doc Blood also has the following Skill Stunts:
Medical Doctor: I get +1 to knowledge checks when my Medical experience is useful
Consultant surgeon:  My +1 for medical doctor is +2 when my surgical specialty is called for
Scalpel maestro: I get +1 Nimbleness when using small blades like knives or shorter.
Local Knowledge:  I grew up in these hills and know all the old bootlegger runs if get +1 knowledge when local lore is useful.
Deft hands: I had a rough past which taught me how to keep a steady hand, I get +1 deftness when picking locks
Shady past: when picking safes and door locks my deft hands bonus becomes +2

Doc Blood Takes the following Edge and hindrances:
Hindrance:  Code of Honour: I follow a strict code of honour, to uphold justice and always be truthful.
Hindrance: Obligation To keep the peace wherever I go, To protect the weaks and stand up to oppressors and bullies.
Edge: Law Dog: Where people know me and my reputation I can add +2 to my mien rolls when dealing with them
Edge: Gritty voice: when it comes to defusing situations i have mastered the art of "do you feel lucky punk" I get +2 to intimidate using my Mien. 

The Good Doctor Picks ♥ for his statline, deciding not to excel in any areas but also not to have any weaknesses.
Cognition: +0 Smarts: +1 Knowledge: +3 Mien: +2 

Deftness: +2 Nimbleness: +1 Quickness: +0 Strength +0
Spirit ☐☐☐☐ Vigour ☐☐☐☐ Size 6, Pace (zones) 1
Wounds ☐ ☐ ☐ Minor, ☐ ☐ Heavy, ☐ Serious, ☐ Critical.

There are 5 Statline choices

+4, +3, +2, +1, +0, +0, +0, -1

+3, +2, +2, +1, +1, +0, +0, +0

+2, +2, +2, +1, +1, +1 +0, +0

+3, +2, +1, +1, +1, +1, +1, -1

🂿+5, +3, +2, +1, +0, +0, +0, -2

Resource Ladders

Spirit:  Starts at 4 [ ☐☐☐☐] Stunt can add up to two [☐☐]  more boxes. Lose boxes for Fear or Mien effects/attacks
Vigour:  Starts at 4 [☐☐☐☐] Stunt can add up to two more [☐☐] boxes, lose boxes for getting shot in combat, performing strenuous actions, exhaustion/ 

Box recovery: can regain all boxes on the end of a scene or a milestone.
However the highest current wound level locks out box recovery as below

Minor wounds:  1 box total
Heavy wounds: 1 Box Each up to 2 total
Serious Wounds: 3 Boxes total
Critical wounds: 4 Boxes Total
Maimed/Deadly:  wounds: who cares about boxes your dying mate. 

No Mans Land

Weapons and Damage

Weapons have a rating from 1 - Infinite 

Old Stuff