Lexa Doig

Lexa Sedai (of the Green Ajah) Background, aged later 30’s but looks mid twenties, has yet to develop the ageless face.

Born Lexa Doig to Mik (Father) and Jolin (Mother) members of a banking merchant family in Ebou Dar Altara. A wise woman realised that she had the potential to channel at an early age and pointed a travelling Aes Sedai to her. She joined the white tower as a teenager of 16 and progressed through the ranks of Novice and Accepted at a steady pace, taking 9 years to Accepted and 10 years to Aes Sedai. During a number of years whilst being an Accepted Lexa had a pillow friend (Beldeine Nyram, Green) who passed her test a little before her.

After passing the test she was assigned to accompany Kataryn Sedai on here sabbatical away from the Tower, mainly with the hope the experienced and older Kataryn would calm Lexa’s youthful enthusiasm during an enforced stay at a farm a long way from the tower.Yep that worked!

Her family still live in Ebou Dar but she has only received letters occasionally from them over the years.

Mik Doig (father) controls a merchant bank in Ebou Dar and is also the leading share holder making the family rich but not noble.

Jolin Doig(Mother) Married Mik many years ago. She had to defend her choice in 2 duels, killing one and wounding another. Using theses experiences she has ensured that the children have been well taught in the duelling arts, but Lexa never finished her training before leaving for the Tower.

Beka Denna(Older sister) married to Mat who works in the Bank as a head clerk, they have 2 daughters, Martine and Jen.

Jasker(younger sister) killed in a duel 10 years past.

Garth(younger brother) works in the bank. He has become a good duellist over the past years winning 3 duels and killing 2 men, all of which had accused him of playing around with (wife, Girlfriend, daughter) all of which are completely untrue, after all he won the duels.

Green Ajah