The Art of Creating Digital Slides for a Presentation - Batac

The Art of Creating Digital Slides for a Presentation

(For Mariano Marcos Memorial Hospital Participants – October 29, 2012)

Reynaldo O. Joson, MD, MHA, MHPEd, MSc Surg

September 28, 2012


In practically all presentations nowadays, presenters use digital slides as visual aids.

There is an art in creating digital slides for presentation so that audience will appreciate and will not criticize!

Terminal learning objective:

At the end of the module (coaching, independent study and practicum), the participants must be able to demonstrate skills in creating digital slides for a presentation.

Enabling learning objectives:

1.       To know the do’s and don’ts in creating word, table and picture slides that are commonly used in presentation.

2.       Given samples of word, table and picture slides commonly used in presentations, using the general criteria of clear and clean, determine which are considered unwanted ones and, therefore, should be avoided.   Corollary to this, determine which ones are preferred based on the criteria of clear and clean.

3.       Prepare and present a 6-minute presentation with clear and clean digital slides.

Teaching-learning methods:

Coaching by facilitator – initially through hand-outs (see below) and subsequently, interactions on October 29, 2012

Independent study of participants on the 2 hand-outs to be given by the facilitator (ROJoson)

Practicum – participants prepare a 6-minute presentation with clear and clean digital slides

*Note: all the three activities should be done and completed before October 29, 2012.  On October 29, 2012, the participants will present using their prepared digital slides.


1.       Powerpoint 1– Art of Creating Digital Slides for Presentation

2.       Powerpoint 2 – Art of Creating Digital Slides for Presentation - Exercises

3.       Evaluation Checklist-Rating Scale for Digital Slides


Digital Slide Evaluation Checklist-Rating Scale


Name of Presentor:

Name of Evaluator:

Title of Presentation:



Instructions: Evaluate the digital slides using the parameters and criteria as guides.  If not applicable, place NA.