Introduction to Seminar-workshop: Art of Creating Digital Slides for Medical Presentation

Greetings and Salutations!


As medical students now, and in the future, when you become residents and consultants, you will not escape the need and challenge of making a medical presentation.  When you make a medical presentation nowadays, you cannot escape using at least digital slides to facilitate your talk as this is the most common and most basic form of visual aid being used now and for a long time in the years to come.  Thus, as early as now, you must know the art of creating digital slides for medical presentation.


I am sure by this time all of you have experienced seeing a medical presentation using digital slides.  During the presentation, you have seen good slides and appreciated them.  You have also seen bad slides and frowned upon them.  I am sure you have asked yourself, what criteria should I really use to evaluate the quality of digital slides.


Some if not all of you have experienced creating digital slides for medical presentation.  Some if not all of you have wondered what are do’s and don’ts in making digital slides as you are concerned with being evaluated and being criticized by your teacher-facilitator and your audience.


These three situationers constitute the reasons and justification for my developing this module on “The Art of Creating Digital Slides for Medical Presentation” for medical students.


Do you agree there is a need for all medical students to learn the art of creating digital slides for medical presentation?  Do you want to learn the do’s and don’ts in creating digital slides for medical presentation?


If yes, welcome to the seminar-workshop that I will be facilitating.


I will now show you my proposed teaching-learning objectives and activities for the 2-hour seminar workshop. 


Terminal Learning Objective:


At the end of the seminar-workshop, the participants must be able to demonstrate skills in creating digital slides for a medical presentation.


Enabling Learning Objectives:



Teaching-learning Activities:



Are these formulated teaching-learning objectives and activities acceptable to all of you?  


I will now start with my lecture.


Go to slide presentation.  (30 minutes)
