Powerful Presentation Skills and Reporting - Manila Doctors Hospital - May 9, 2012

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Powerful Presentation Skills and Reporting – ROJ’s Learnshop for MDH Managers – May 9, 2012

Powerful Presentation Skills and Reporting – ROJ’s Learnshop for MDH Managers – May 9, 2012

Reynaldo O. Joson, MD, MHPEd, MSc Surg

May 9, 2012

After 5 days of intensive preparation, I conducted a learnshop on Powerful Presentation Skills and Reporting on May 9, 2012,  to 11 managers of Manila Doctors Hospital complete with practicum accomplished within 3 hours (9:30 am to 12:20 pm).

The 11 manager-learners were manageable considering there was a practicum in which all participants were asked to present an 8-minute reporting presentation.

All the formulated and consensually agreed learning objectives were achieved.



At the end of the 2 to 3 hours of teaching-learning sessions, the managers – learners should be able to:

Terminal Learning Objectives:

Enabling Learning Objectives:

Teaching-learning activities:

Learnshop and Practicum:

Each participant will give an 8-minute reporting using a Powerpoint presentation.  The scenario is he/she is being asked to give an 8-minute reporting to the Senior Management Team and Management Committee on “Meeting the Challenges in my Unit or Position  – my Plans in 2012.”  The presentation will be prepared before May 9, 2012 and delivered on May 9, 2012.


We had videotaping and evaluation of the practicum (presentation by the participants).  The video will be given to each participants as soon as possible for them to look at how they did their presentation and make the necessary improvements.

We were able to test the Presentation Evaluation Checklist Rating Scale that I created.  It was simple to use and comprehensive enough.    There were 3 evaluators per presentor.

The group (participants and facilitator) agreed to have an actual presentation in the SMT or Mancom on a staggered basis, one,  to demonstrate the skills of presentation they have acquired and two, to report on the challenges they are encountering  as managers and how they plan to face the challenges.

The group also agreed that all hospital managers should take this module.


With Ronna Layton of Human Resource Division and her staff.  Also, an intern from Business Development Division helping in the videotaping and documentation.
