Basic Management Processes for Hospital Managers

Basic Management Processes for Hospital Managers

Reynaldo O. Joson, MD, MHA, MHPEd, MSc Surg

September 30, 2012


There are basic management processes that all hospital managers should know  to come out with a structured (systematic and rational) problem-solving and decision-making in their areas of responsibilities.

The basic management processes consist of the following:

1.       Planning (Plan)

2.       Implementing (Do)

3.       Evaluating and continual improvement (Check , Act)

Terminal learning objective:

At the end of the module (through coaching and independent study), the participants must be able to demonstrate skills in the three to four basic management processes:

1.       Planning (Plan)

2.       Implementing (Do)

3.       Evaluating and continual improvement (Check , Act)

Enabling learning objectives:

1.       Read and know the basic management processes (plan, implement, and evaluate) or (plan, do, check, act).

2.       Apply the management processes in areas of responsibilities (events / projects).

3.       Prepare and present a 6-minute case presentation showing the application of the basic management processes (off-shoot of No. 2 enabling learning objective) – [use format below].

Teaching-learning methods:

Coaching by facilitator – initially through hand-outs (see below) and subsequently, interactions on October 29, 2012

Independent study of participants on the hand-outs to be given by the facilitator (ROJoson)

Preparation of a 6-minute case presentation with clear and clean digital slides (See format below) ).  [Assumption: presentation to the Hospital Director.]


*Note: all the three activities should be done and completed before October 29, 2012.  On October 29, 2012, the participants will present using their prepared digital slides.


1.       Any book or writings on basic management processes  (plan, implement, and evaluate) or (plan, do, check, act). [Look at the Internet.]

2.       Format of presentation (see below)

3.       Art of Creating Digital Slides for Presentation


Format of Case Presentation using Digital Slides (give the necessary greetings, introduction and closing of a presentation) – either a project or a problem (choose one).  [Assume that you are presenting to the Hospital Director.]


Title: Project Management Presentation:  (Name of Project)

Situational analysis: Current situation that leads to need of project; rationale for the project

Goals and objectives of the project

Expected output of the project

Expected impact of the project

Strategies and action plans for implementation  with timelines, persons-in-charge and budget (if not done yet) – (if done already, present the plan of implementation and what were done)

Action plans on monitoring and evaluation of implementation of project followed by continual improvement (if not done yet) – (if done already, present  data)


Title:  Problem Management Presentation:  (Name of Problem)

Situational analysis: What are data and what is the problem that needs to be solved?

Action plans to solve the problem (if not yet done) – (if done already, present the plans and what transpired)

Action plans on monitoring and evaluation of implemention plan to solve the problem (if not done yet) – (if done already, present data)



Any queries and references:

Internet resources on Management Processes



