Powerpoint Template of OMMC Surgery

Powerpoint Template of the Department of Surgery of Ospital ng Maynila Medical Center

A History


Reynaldo O. Joson, MD, MHA, MHPEd, MSc Surg

January 2, 2012



In 2001, when I assumed chairmanship of the Department of Surgery of Ospital ng Maynila Medical Center, I provided the Department and its resident staff an LCD projector.  My intention was to promote efficiency in medical and non-medical presentations in the Department.   My other intention was to provide the staff, particularly, the residents on how to prepare and use powerpoint for their presentations.

We discarded right away the use of transparencies using acetate papers and ordinary plastics for presentation.   

With the constant availability of an LCD projector from 2001 up to present, 2012, the residents have been using powerpoint presentations since 2001.   I taught the residents how to prepare proper slides for powerpoint presentations.  (Note: I will share my teachings on proper preparation of slides in another time or another paper.) 

I was also the prime mover in creating a template for the powerpoint slides of the Department , whose history and other information I will share below.


History of Evolution of Powerpoint Template of the Department of Surgery of OMMC


2001 to 2007

I recommended blue background with white or yellow fonts.  I did not require the presence of the logo of the Department.


We included the official logo of the Department in the right upper corner of the slide.


We included a tagline – “Towards Patient Safety in Surgery.” 

Patient safety was the thrust of the Philippine College of Surgeons during this time as well as globally.

2011 (July)

In the tagline, we added “Promote customer delight. Avoid complaints at all times!

Reasons for Creation of a Powerpoint Template:

1.       To standardize the slides of the Department through a  template.

2.       To make the slides look professional.

3.       To teach the residents how to prepare proper slides.


Reasons for Inclusion of Taglines:

1.       To constantly remind the staff of the goals and objectives of the Department.

2.       To inform the public (external audience) of the goals and objectives of the Department.
