Guidelines and Format for Case Management Presentation-Discussion and Sharing of Information







 Case Management Presentation-Discussion and Sharing of Information


 Chief Complaint


 (Name and Title of Contributor)


Case Presentation


                Present Database


                                General Data

                                                Minimum: Initials of patient, age, sex

                                                As needed: Occupation, residence, religion

                                Chief Complaint

                                History of Present Illness/Condition

                                As needed:

                                                Past Medical History

                                                Personal Social History

                                                Obstetrical and Gynecological History


                                Physical Examination (Use illustrations as much as possible.)


                *Include core data on chief complaint and significant symptoms and signs:

                                Onset (date/time noticed)

                                Characteristics of chief complaint and significant symptoms and signs (eg -  tumor – size,

consistency, nature (solid/cystic), mobility, border, tender or not, etc)

                                Associated symptoms and signs

                                Previous medical consult findings


Case Management Discussion

                Must include the following 4 parts:


                                I. Clinical Diagnosis

                                II. Paraclinical Diagnostic Procedures

                                III. Treatment

                                IV. Prevention and Health Promotion


I. Clinical Diagnosis


                1. Identify data from database which can serve as cues for a clinical diagnosis.





                2. Based on pattern recognition and prevalence, decide on the primary and

                                secondary diagnoses.  Primary diagnosis is what you think is the most likely

                                diagnosis and secondary diagnosis is the closest second.


Primary Clinical Diagnosis:

Secondary Clinical Diagnosis:



                3. Illustrate/explain how you arrive to the primary and secondary clinical diagnoses.

                                Use the clinical diagnostic processes of pattern recognition and prevalence.

                                Use algorithm as much as possible.

                                Use pathophysiology to support your primary and secondary clinical diagnoses.


II. Paraclinical Diagnostic Procedures


                1. Restate your primary and secondary clinical diagnosis.

                2. Decide on whether you need a paraclinical diagnostic procedure or not.

                                If YES, why?                        If NO, why?


                                Use the processes of certainty and proposed treatment of your

                                                                primary and secondary diagnoses as basis.



                                *Place figures such as 10%, 50%, 70% certain and basis of certainty, whether based on

signs, symptoms, and prevalence or just on symptoms and prevalence or  just

prevalence.  Use 90% as a cut-off for “certain” and “quite certain.”  Below 90%, “not certain.”


                                **If you decide you don’t need a paraclinical diagnostic procedure,  proceed to



                3. If you decide to go for a paraclinical diagnostic procedure, select one from at

                                least two procedures that may be done.


                                Use the following table:


                4. After selecting one paraclinical diagnostic procedure, briefly describe how it is

                                done and what will be the result that will firm up your diagnosis.

                5. Present the paraclinical diagnostic procedure(s) that were done on the patient starting with the

one that you are recommending.  Then, interpret the results.


III. Treatment


                1. State your pretreatment diagnosis - both primary and secondary.

                2. State the goals of treatment for the primary diagnosis.

                3. Decide on the treatment modality.



                4. Decide how you evaluate the result or outcome of your proposed treatment.

                5. If data are available, present the treatment procedures done on the patient and

                                their outcome.



IV. Prevention and Health Promotion


                *Use illustrations as much as possible.


                1. State your final diagnosis.

                2. Briefly describe how you will advise patient on prevention of the disease and health promotion.


                                                Use pathophysiology.

                                                Advise on screening.

                                                Advise on early detection.


V. References



Criteria to be used in evaluation


                Adequate in terms of content

                                Management goals


                                Clinical diagnostic process

                                Paraclinical diagnostic process

                                Treatment process

                                Indication for referral


                                Health promotion and maintenance

                Format followed

                Presence of references                       

                Within the prescribed length




See Samples of CMPDSI for further guidance.


Use the Patient Management Framework as guide.

