Medical Photography and Slide Collection – ROJoson – Memorabilia

Cherished Memorabilia, Memories and Moments

Medical Photography and Slide Collections (with Labelling and Indexing)

I got serious in medical photography starting 1976 or 1977 during my surgical residency in the Philippine General Hospital. I would take pictures of interesting patients and their body parts, intraoperative findings and their imaging procedures, usually using Ektachrome or Fujichrome slide flims. After taking pictures, I would place labels on each slide with indexing number, name, age, sex and a short note on the contents. OBSI talaga! Probably at the end of my surgical residency, I accumulated a total of about 5000 slides or even more. Those were the days! As I am about to throw away these slides of yesteryears, I like to reminisce what I was doing back then. Systematic, discipline and perseverance in medical photography, slide collection with labelling and indexing. Sobrang OBSI talaga – ME!