
The complete name of this site is:

Digital Medical Presentation - Medical Photography and Digital Slides Creation

[September 30, 2012 - ROJoson's Notes: I have expanded the contents and purposes of this site to powerful presentation, presentation skills not only for medical professionals but also for non-medical hospital managers, thus, both medical and non-medical presentation.]

This site contains my writings and notes on the topic.

I operationally defined "digital medical presentation" as a medical presentation that uses digital visual aids.   The focus of the digital visual aids to be contained in this site is the use of digital slides prepared with the help of Microsoft Powerpoint.  

My writings and notes consist of my thoughts, perceptions, opinions, and recommendations (TPOR).

I like to make two disclosures:

Disclosure 1:  I am not a professional photographer who can teach people on how to use and manipulate a digital camera.  I will not be discussing the different types of cameras and how to use them.  What I will impart here will be the quality of the pictures and the slides that are needed for a digital medical presentation.

Disclosure 2:  As of February 2012, I don’t have much experience with medical videos but I believe the parameters of quality are the same as those for still pictures. 

For any query, email me at rjoson2001@yahoo.com

Dr. Rey

Reynaldo O. Joson, MD, MHA, MHPEd, MSc Surg

February 17, 2012

[September 30, 2012 - ROJoson's Notes: I have expanded the contents and purposes of this site to powerful presentation, presentation skills not only for medical professionals but also for non-medical hospital managers, thus, both medical and non-medical presentation.]

In the sidebar, see powerful presentation skills for Manila Doctors Hospital's managers; digital slides for medical presentation for Asian Medical Students Association; and presentation skills for Mariano Marcos Memorial Hospital's medical residents and hospital managers.

Dr. Rey

Reynaldo O. Joson, MD, MHA, MHPEd, MSc Surg

September 30, 2012


ROJ@12feb17; 12sept30; 13apr23