Wounds & Weeds Summerized

Wounds and Weeds Summarized

(Healing Herbs and Now Trending Healthy Food Choices 365 and Pathfinder Player Companion: Heroes of the Wild and Ultimate Wildness)

Herb Cost/5 doses Effect

Angel Step 1 gp +4 to any Heal checks made to Stabilize for 2d4 hrs. OR +4 to 1d6 Con checks for the next 24 hrs.

Arron's Rod 1 gp Restores 1d4 hp for 2 hrs., the pain relief is temporary and strenuous activity can reopen wounds for another 1d4 hp, DC10 Fort save to avoid.

Adder's Tongue 4 sp Heals either 1d3 hp/day of full rest OR heals 1d3 per use of healing, but can only be used once per day and within 2 rnds. of being wounded.

Adder's Tongue 7 sp Heals either 1d3 hp/day of full rest OR heals 1d3 per use of healing, but can only be used once per day and within 2 rnds. of being wounded.


Birthwort 5 sp Must be used within 3 rnds. after being poisoned, can only be administered once per day.

Poultice/Tea (1 sp for tea)

Black Armanth 1 gp Casts gentle repose on a corpse for 3 days.

Bone Mead 1 gp Improves sleep allowing patient to recover 2x Ability Damage and hp loss for each full day of rest.

Cayenee Pepper 1 sp +2 save vs. poison for 1 hr. after being ingested vs. fungi, mold or parasites; but doubles any Bleed effects.

Comfrey 1 gp Heals 1d4 hp/day if taken within 1 rnd. of being wounded.

Comfrey Tea 15 sp Heals 1d4 hp/day if taken within 1d3 rnds. of being wounded.

Cucumber Seed 2 cp +2 Fort save vs. tapeworm or worm infestation.

Desna's Star 5 gp/6 people Need only 6 hrs. of sleep per 24 hrs., but +4 DC of any Perception checks made while asleep.

Dragon's Rose 1 gp Bypasses DR/ Magic when crushed and applied to a weapon (taking 1 rnd.) for up to 6 successful hits.

Dream Lichen 1 gp After 8 hrs. allowed another save vs. an affliction or curse OR removes a temporary negative level.

Garlic, clove 1 sp +2 hp/day of rest for the first 3 days of recuperation, but increases the encounter chance by 1. Seriously repels vampires requiring them to

pass a Fort save DC13 before making a grapple check or a bite.

Garlic clove 1 sp +2 Fort saves. vs. Cholera.

Fairy Cap. 1 gp Casts enlarge person on the creature that consumes it for 10 min.


Fairy Cap. 1 gp Casts reduce person on the creature that consumes it for 10 min.


Ginger 5 sp +2 Fort save vs. Sickness or Nauseated for 1 hr. OR vs. ingested poisons for 30 mins.

Goblinvine 30 gp Loselly wrapped in cloth and thrown acts like a Splash weapon creating a 10' cloud causing those inside to make a Fort save or suffer -2 to

Dex., due to the itching for 1d4 mins.

Henbane 1 gp/plant +1d6 hp for 2 hrs. OR +1 St or +1 Con., 1d4 of the hp gained wear off 2 hours after drinking, drinker is mildly Sickened suffering a -1 to all 1d20

rolls for 10 min.

Henbane Tea 15 sp +1d6 hp for 2 hrs. OR +1 Str or +1 Con., 1d4 of the hp gained wear off 2 hours after drinking, drinker is mildly Sickened suffering a -1 to all 1d20

rolls for 10 min.

Herb True-Love 1 gp +2 Save vs. poison, (+3 for dwarves or elves) if applied with 2 rnds. of being poisoned, can only be used once per day. Restores 1 hp or 1 ability

point lost if applied when treating the wound.

NOTE: looks like nightshade, if nightshade is drunk DC 14 Fort save or die.

Juniper Berry 1 gp Heals severely wounded people (more than 50% hp loss).

OR provides +2 Fort save vs. poison if taken within 2 rnds. of poisoning.

NOTE: Half-Elves and Elves who take this must make a DC12 Fort save or fall under the effects of a love potion for 2d4 rnds.

Leechwort 1 gp +1 Alchemical bonus to Heal check for long term care or to stabilize while dying, OR when treating caltrop damage.

Love-in-Idleness 1 gp Increases the suscpicitability of others vs. mind influencing effects for 2d4 hrs. when applied to the inside of the ear, cause a +2 DC to any

Sense Motive checks or saves vs. Mind Affecting effects.

Marsh-Mallow 2 gp if applied to burns +2 hp/day of full rest OR heals +1d3 hp. per day (useable 1/day), OR +3 Alchemical bonus to Heal checks to stop bleeding

useable once per Bleeding attack.

Merfolk's Comb 25 gp When ingested provides the ability to breathe air or water for 8 hrs.

Mimameth 25 gp DR 2/Bludgeoning AND +5 Fire Resistance AND immune to Bleed attacks for 1 hrs.

Moly 10 gp +4 Resistance vs. spells and Spell-Like effects OR acts as a dispel magic caster level 6, when the dry powder is sprinkled on an creature, object, or


Nepenthe 10 gp Allows a new save vs. a mind affecting effect, the pollen must be inhaled, if given to an unwilling creature apply as a Touch Attack.

Nethy's Dagger 10 gp Repels undead, unintelligent undead will not attack, intelligent undead must pass DC13 Will save.

NIghtsage 15 gp Corporal undead gain +2 save vs. Energy attacks, burned like incense in 1 min. increments up to 10 min. maximum.

Papaya 2 sp Speeds up metabolism allowing 2 saving rolls per rnd. vs. an affect each made at +3.

Seeing ;Slime 15 gp Darkvision +30' for 24 hrs,.

Sphagnum Moss 4 sp 125% heal rate if applied to a wound dressing, but the dressing only lasts 3 days.

St. John's Wort 3 gp +1d4 extra hp. healed if applied within 2 rnds. of being wounded, OR +1 Fort save vs. poison when broth is drunk.

Tumeric 8 sp +1d4 hp gained per day but they only last for 1d4 hrs. Elves must pass a DC13 Fort save or become Sickened, -1 to attack for 1d6 rnds.

Winterbite 1 gp A sharp ,sweet, smelling mint that provides a +2 to Scent based Perception checks for 1 hr., may be used as often as desired.

Woundwort 4 sp/bandage +5 Alchemical bonus to Heal checks vs. Bleed damage if applied within 2 rnds. of sustaining the Bleed attack. However Dwarves must pass a

DC15 Fort save or be blinded for 1d6 rnds.

5 sp per poultice +5 Alchemical bonus to Heal checks vs. Bleed damage if applied within 2 rnds. of sustaining the Bleed attack. However Dwarves must pass a

DC15 Fort save or be blinded for 1d6 rnds.