Texts Used in the Game

Texts Used in the Game

Core Rules (in order of publication) Psionics (in alphabetical order)

Pathfinder Core Rulebook Psionics Augmented

Advanced Player's Guide *Psionics Embeded

Ultimate Magic Psionics Expanded

Ultimate Combat Psionics Unleashed

Occult Adventures *Ultimate Psionics Psionics

Advanced Class Guide

Pathfinder Unchained

Ultimate Intrigue

Horror Adventures

Wilderness Adventures

Equipment Guides 3rd Party Books

Ultimate Equipment Guide` I Flaws Players Option (available in Dropbox under Dan's PDFs)

Adventurer's Armory II Flaws Players Option (available in Dropbox under Dan's PDFs)

Armor Master's Handbook Starjammer (I will only use limited stuff from this)

Weapon Master's Handbook

Arms and Equipment Guide (3.5 edition) Races

Aurora Whole Realms Guide (2nd edition) Playable Races

Faith (this information is summarized in the article faith on Golarion)

Book of the Damned (this information is not found in the article on faith in Golarion)

Chronicle of the Righteous

Faiths & Philosophies

Faiths of Balance

Faiths of Corruption

Faiths of Purity

Inner Sea Gods

Supplements (in alphabetical order) Settings

*Belkzen, Hold of the Orc Hordes Distant Worlds (Golarion Solar System)

Dirty Tactics Toolbox Haunted Heroes Handbook

Dragonslayer's Handbook Horror Realms

Dungeoneer's Handbook Inner Sea World Guide

Game Mastery Guide *Numeria

Inner Sea NPC Codex *Varisia Birthplace of Legends

*Irrisen, Land of Eternal Winter Modules

Melee Tactics Toolbox Various Modules and Adventure Paths

Magic Tactics Toolbox

Monster Codex Bestiary

Mythic Adventures (not used in all games) Bestiary 1

NPC Codex Bestiary 2

Occult Origins Bestiary 3

Osirion, Legacy of Pharaohs Bestiary 4

Ultimate Campaign Guide Bestiary 5

Villain Codex Bestiary 6

Occult Bestiary

*Inner Sea Bestiary

Some 3rd party monster manuals and custom creations

Additional Books (in alphabetical order)

Advanced Class Origins

Alchemy Manual

Animal Archive

Arcane Anthology

Artifacts & Legends

Black Markets

Familiar Folio

Giant Hunter's Handbook

*Hell Unleashed

Kobolds of Golarion

Legacy of Dragons

Mythic Realms

Occult Mysteries

Ranged Tactics Toolbox

*Ships of the Inner Sea

Spymaster's Handbook

Technology Guide (high tech items will be incredibly rare)

*Undead Slayer's Handbook

I have read all, but the books excepted those noted with an *.

I have been accumulating quite a list of Pathfinder books and I plan on getting to reading them all, but that is going to take a while.

If the book is a Paizo product, but not listed on this page and you want to use it then ask me about it and I will probably allow it.

Texts NOT Used in the Game

I want to stick to the basic Pathfinder system. I am trying to get back to the Pathfinder roots, so I am not using many 3rd party books. The DM may draw from various 3rd party books at will though, that rule holds for 3.5 edition and 5th edition as well as Starfinder (don’t worry Starfinder is a different game system and I won’t be including much from it).

When using D20PFSRD be sure to check the bottom of the page for the source, if no source is listed then it is assumed that it is found in the Pathfinder Core Rulebook. If the book listed is not included on this page: then you must ask the DM if you can use it. For example the special material Silversheen is only found in PC:Qadira, Gateway to the East is not in this list so it may not be used.

Most things found on www.d20pfsdr.com website that were produced by Paizo are acceptable to me, however I have not read all the rules on the website so if you are going use something that I am not familiar with then please run it by me first. The best way to do that is to find a link for it on www.d20pfsrd.com, copy that link and email it to me. If you check at the bottom of the page you will find a copy right notice. If a page is not given a copy right notice then, you can assume it is found in the Core Rulebook. Almost any Paizo books found on this list are acceptable. I plan on reviewing your character sheets, when you make changes to them, prior to the game. That is why I require that all changes be done before Friday, so I have time to see them. With that in mind please don't make nonstandard abbreviations, like "pally" for paladin. I may not be able to understand those abbreviations.