
Pathfinder (Paizo Incorporated) is a, primarily, fantasy tabletop role-playing game that grew out of Dungeons and Dragons, created by Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.  Pathfinder was directly inspired and sprang out from 3.5 D&D (Wizards of the Coast), which in turn took over from 3rd edition (Wizards of the Coast), which replaced 2nd Edition Advanced Dungeons and Dragons (TSR), which evolved from Gary Gygax’s and Dave Arneson’s invention of Dungeons and Dragons 1st Edition (TSR)—the first tabletop role-playing game.  I play and run Pathfinder 1.0.

A role-playing game (RPG) is where players pretend to be their characters.  The characters utilized 6 stats; that reflect the abilities of the character.  From these 6 abilities the player selects a character class (which determines what they can do) and builds their skills, hit points, and what they can do.  The 6 primary stats are loosely based on an average person having a stat of 10, this was in turn taken from the basis of 100 IQ equals the Intelligence of the average person so divide that number by 10 and you get an average stat of 10.  Most characters have heroic stats beyond what mere average people can obtain.

 A table-top game is one played on top of a table with miniatures, figures, board pieces and often dice.  The most well-known of these games are; Sorry (Parker Brothers), Life (Milton Bradley), Monopoly (Parker Brothers and Hasbro), Clue (Parker Brothers and Hasbro),  and Risk (Hasbro).

A role-playing game is one that utilizes the theater of the mind, often added by a scale map and miniature figures, where players take on the role as characters, and act out what they want to do in the game.  Usually, only describing their actions, and speaking their dialogue.  It is a social game and a story game.  The game is run by a Game Operations Director, often called a Game Master (GM) or Dungeon Master (DM) who orchestics the story.  The GM determines the world’s history, and background, says what is allowed, controls factors like the weather, non-player characters (NPCs) and Monsters.  The GM poses problems in their story and the heroes attempt to solve those problems.  The part of the heroes (and heroines) are played by the players.  The players provide the characterization for their characters, the DM provides the setting and controls the world, the game determines rules (with conventions and changes agreed on by the group prior to the game), and together the players and the GM tell the story.  A good role-playing game is just like a novel with fire, fury, and most of all action.  Neither the players or the GM know the outcome of the story beforehand; that is determined by the actions taken at the table.  Dungeons and Dragons is fantasy based and is the first role-playing game, it evolved out of the wargame Chainmail; where dwarves, elves, humans, and other fantasy creatures would fight battles.  In the past authors like J. R. R. Tolkien (The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings), Michael Moorcock (Elric of Melniboné), Fritz Leiber (Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser, H. P. Lovecraft (The Call of Cthulhu), and Robert E. Howard (Conan, the Barbarian) were not credited.  These authors and many more unnamed created the source material for the game from tales as old as the Saga of the hero Beowulf to those as recent as J. K. Rowling’s (Harry Potter) and tomorrow’s TV shows and movies.  Most of the sources are based on mythology common to a medieval fantasy world

This site is devoted to the rules and conventions used in Dan Mello’s version of Pathfinder 1.0. Which takes place in Paizo’s world of Golarion.  It extends and modifies the Revised 3rd edition Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) game rules published by Wizards of the Coast under the Open Game License.  As such very little of the information on this site is original, most is taken from copyright protected sources and published freely under the Open Game License.  I am making no claim or of ownership and derive no profit or payments from providing this material.  This information is intended chiefly for my players.

Those who have questions about this site can contact me directly at danscififan@yahoo.com.  I can also be found on Facebook under the Fans of d20pfsrd.com with the user name of Daniel Joseph Mello.