
Spellcraft has been Removed from the Game

The Skill Spellcraft has been removed from the game and will be replaced with the appropriate Knowledge Skills. No extra class skills will be awarded, and no skill points will be adjusted for this.

Alchemists/Archanists/Magus/Sorcerers/Summoner/Wizards will use Knowledge (Arcane)

Clerics/Inquisitors/Oracles will use Knowledge (Religion)

Druids/Witches will use Knowledge (Nature)

Hybrid Classes will use the Knowledge keyed to their class; if they cast Divine spells that would be Knowledge (Religion), if they cast natural spells that would be Knowledge (Nature) and if they use Arcane spells that would be Knowledge (Arcane).

Bloodrager/Investigator/Skald use Knowledge (Arcane)

Hunter/Shaman/Slayer use Knowledge (Nature)

Warpriest use Knowledge (Religion)

Spells from Archetypes use the Knowledge for the parent class. So a Green Faith Initiate Druid would use Knowledge (Nature) to know about whispering wind, since it is on their spell list, but since it is an arcane spell all others would use Knowledge (Arcane) to know about the spell.

Since Hexes are a function of the Witch class and the Witch is nature based they are identified with Knowledge (Nature).

Spells are identified by the type of spells they are and what spell lists they can be found on as listed above. For example; to identify a Magic Missile would require a Knowledge (Arcane) roll. Bull Strength is on both the Arcane and Divine lists as well as the Druid’s and Witch’s lists so any of the applying Knowledge Skills can be used. Bless is a spell of the Cleric/Oracle list so it is identified with a Knowledge (Religion). Faerie Fire is a druid spell, so it is identified with Knowledge (Nature). If a spell only exists as a Domain spell, then the spell would be identified with Knowledge skill from which list it was taken; usually Arcane or Nature. If a spell is a Domain spell and it does not exist on any other spell list them it may be identified with Knowledge (Religion).

Non-spell casting classes may take either Knowledge (Arcane), Knowledge (Nature) or Knowledge (Religion) to identify magic, intelligent non-spell casters will be wise to take all three Knowledge skills, so they can identify any magic they come across.

The learning of a spell, the check to identify the spell that has been cast, and the check to understand a spell are all determined by the appropriate Knowledge check.

The Occult classes vary in what Knowledge they use. Those attempting to identify an Occult effect may use either Knowledge (Arcane) or Knowledge (Religion)

Mediums: use Knowledge (Religion) since they primarily deal with spirits and the undead.

Mesmerist: may choose to use either Knowledge (Arcana) or Knowledge (Religion) to learn their spells and to identify magics that are cast by them. Their primary contacts are with the Astral plane which holds dead gods and is also the conduit though which travel between the planes is done. Letting this class deal with Arcane and Divine sources. Once the Mesmerist develops their character they must choose which Knowledge deals with their spells, since this choice is individual no hard and fast rule can apply to the Mesmerist so their spells and the magics they use and cast may be identified with either Knowledge (Arcane) or Knowledge (Religion).

Occultist: use Knowledge (Religion) since they deal with psychic implements and spirit energy which comes closest to religion.

Psychic: use Knowledge (Arcane) since their primary stat is Intelligence.

Spiritualist: use Knowledge (Religion) since they primarily deal with spirits and the ethereal planes

Kineticist gather their power from the elements and their powers vary from Supernatural to Arcane so identifying their effects is done with Knowledge (Arcane). They do not need to learn how to cast their spells or identify their own effects, so they do not gain an extra class skill. When other creatures are identifying effects created by Kineticists they use Knowledge (Arcane) to do so.

Magic effects, like that are generated by artifacts, that do not fall into the standard areas of Arcane, Nature or Religion are typically identified by use of the Knowledge (Arcane) skill.