Advanced Weapons

Advanced Weapon Technology

From the d20pfsrd website and Spelljammer

---------- Siege Weapons (compiled from the d20pfsrd tables and Spelljammer) ----------

Use of siege weapons requires an Exotic Weapons Feat.

Ranges Damage Move Actions Crew Critical Cost Assembly Time Size Ammunition

Large Weapon Maximum Range Minimum Range Aim Load

Accelerator 400’ 10’ 1D10 1 1 1 19-20 x3 900 10 minutes with 4 workers Large 1 gp and 5 lbs

Ballista, Light 120’ 5’ 3D8 0 1 1 19-20 x2 400 1 hour with 4 workers Large 10 gp and 15 lbs

Ballista, Medium 160’ 5’ 5D6 1 2 2 19-20 x2 500 1 hour with 6 workers Large 20 gp and 15 lbs

Ballista, Heavy 180’ 5’ 4D8 2 3 3 19-20 x2 700 2 hours with 6 workers Huge 30 gp and 20 lbs

Ballista, Great Breaker 100’ 5’ 6D8 3 5 5 19-20 x2 1,200 4 hours with 8 workers Gargantuan 50 gp and 30 lbs

Cannon 100’ 5’ 6D6 1 3 2 20 x4 6,000 1 hours with 4 workers Large 30 gp, and 25 lbs

Cannon, Fiends Mouth 150’ 10’ 8D6 1 3 3 20 x4 9,000 2 hours with 6 workers Huge 45 gp and 30 lbs

Firedrake 60’ line or 30’ cone 5’ 4D6 2 5 3 20 x2 4,000 2 hours with 6 workers Huge 200 gp and 20 lbs

Firewyrm 120’ line or 60’ cone 5’ 5D6 2 6 5 20 x2 6,000 4 hours with 8 workers Gargantuan 400 gp and 40 lbs

Bombard, Light 100’ 150’ 5D6 1 3 2 20 x4 6,000 1 hours with 4 workers Large 30 gp and 25 lbs

Bombard, Standard 150’ 100’ 7D6 1 3 2 20 x4 8,000 2 hours with 6 workers Huge 35 gp and 30 lbs

Bombard, Heavy 200’ 100’ 9D6 3 5 4 20 x4 16,000 4 hours with 8 workers Gargantuan 45 gp and 50 lbs

Catapult, Light 150’ 50’ 4D6 2 1 2 20 x2 550 1 hour with 4 workers Large 5 gp and 60 lbs

Catapult, Medium 175’ 100’ 5D6 3 2 2 20 x2 620 2 hours with 6 workers Huge 15 gp and 75 lbs

Catapult, Heavy 200’ 100’ 6D6 4 4 4 20 x2 800 4 hours with 8 workers Gargantuan 25 gp and 90 lbs

Alchemist Fire Projector 100’ 5’ 3D10 2 3 4 18-20 x2 1,000 2 hours with 6 workers Huge 200 gp and 10 lbs

Manticores Tail 60' cone 5' 3D8 0 4 3 19-20 x2 1,000 2 hours with 6 workers Huge 120 gp and 120 lbs

Trebuchet, Light 200’ 100’ 4D6 2 3 2 20 x2 800 1 hour with 4 workers Large 15 gp and 60 lbs

Trebuchet, Standard 300’ 150’ 6D6 2 4 2 20 x2 1,000 2 hours with 6 workers Huge 30 gp and 110 lbs

Trebuchet, Heavy 400’ 200’ 8D6 3 3 4 20 x2 1,500 4 hours with 8 workers Gargantuan 40 gp and 120 lbs

Jettison, Light 150’ 50’ 1D6 2 1 2 20 x2 400 1 hour with 4 workers Large 5 gp and 50 lbs

Jettison, Medium 175’ 100’ 2D6 3 2 2 20 x2 600 2 hours with 6 workers Huge 10 gp and 70 lbs

Jettison, Heavy 200’ 100’ 3D6 4 4 4 20 x2 800 4 hours with 8 workers Gargantuan 20 gp and 90 lbs

Springal, Arrow 100’ 50’ 3D8 2 3 3 20 x2 1,000 2 hours with 6 workers Huge 20 gp and 10 lbs

Springal, Rocket 100’ 50’ 3D10 2 3 3 20 x2 6,000 2 hours with 6 workers Huge 500 gp and 30 lbs

Sweeper, Gnomish 200’ 5’ 1D8 2 4 3 20 x2 800 2 hours with 6 workers Huge 25 gp and 50 lbs

Accelerator: a magical device that magically accelerates the item put into it; usually a stone, often a grenade; it has a problem in that it can grab a crew member’s arm or hand if they are not experienced with the weapon.

Ballista: basically, a large crossbow, a direct fire weapon that fires a large bolt.

Cannon: a direct fire, large firearm, crafted of metal cast in one piece or wielded with iron bands, that fires either a solid iron ball, or a stone.

Cannon, Fiend's Mouth: a large, direct fire, multipiece cannon.

Firedrake: a direct fire weapon that fires many iron balls mixed with alchemical fire in either a line or cone as determined when loaded (DC 15 Reflex save for 1/2 damage, those who fail catch on fire).

Firewyrm: a large-scale Firedrake, typically too large to be portable, that fires many iron balls mixed with alchemical fire (DC 15 Reflex save for 1/2 damage, those who fail catch on fire).

Bombard, Light: an indirect fire firearm, that drops plunging fire on its target, shaped like a cauldron, it has a misfire chance of 1-2.

Bombard, Medium: an indirect fire large scale firearm that drops plunging fire on its targets, it has a misfire range of 1-2, it is shaped like a cauldron with more stabilizing features (DC 20 Reflex save for 1/2 damage, those who fail catch on fire).

Bombard, Heavy: a massive indirect fire firearm, typically set up in fixed situations. Often, they come in 2 pieces connected by a screw mechanism, that is unscrewed to be loaded. They are too heavy to be mounted on vehicles and have a misfire chance of 1-2.

Catapult: an indirect fire weapon that launches large stones in plunging fire on its targets. They are too large to be carried to a battlefield and are transported in pieces and later assembled. They transmit a lot of force to the base so cannot be used on top of structures (or realistically on ships)

Alchemist Fire Projector: a direct fire weapon that fires alchemical fire in a burst targeting all on a line out to 100'. Alchemist Fire Projector requires 10 flasks of Alchemist Fire, included with the standard shot.

Manticore's Tail: A massive, direct fire, ballista that fires a dozen or more bolts in a rain of steel, an attack roll is made, with a -2 to hit, against each target within a 60 cone, ignoring concealment, critical hits are confirmed separately. The weapon has a mishap if only the first attack roll is a mishap

Trebuchet: a sophisticated indirect fire weapon similar to a catapult that fires large stones in plunging fire on its targets.

Jettison: similar to a catapult, but lighter built, it fires a collection of stones, all inside its target area or 10' radius, targets must make a DC 20 Reflex save or take damage, objects don't get a saving roll. It is often used by ships.

Springal Arrow: similar to a ballista, but it fires multiple arrows, as indirect plunging fire, over a 15' radius attacking all targets in the AOE with one attack roll.

Springal Rocket: similar to a ballista, but it fires a group of black-powder rockets that rain down, over a 15' radiu,s attacking all targets in the AOE with one attack roll. The rockets explode in a 20' blast area.

Sweeper, Gnomish: a catapult like device that fires a collection of stones, metal balls, or scrap all inside its target area or 10' radius, targets must make a DC 20 Reflex save or take damage, objects don't get a saving roll and take 1/2 damage.

Siege Engine Cost Damage Critical Range Increment Typical Crew

Catapult, Heavy 800 gp. 6D6 20 x2 200’ (100’ minimum) 4

Catapult, Medium 620 gp. 5D6 20 x2 175’ (100’ minimum) 3

Catapult, Light 550 gp. 4D6 20 x2 150’ (100’ minimum) 2

Ballista, Light 400 gp 3D8 19- 20 x2 120’ (5' minimum) 1

Ballista, Medium 500 gp. 5D6 19-20 x2 160’ (5' minimum) 2

Ballista, Heavy 700 gp. 4D8 19-20 x2 180’ (5' minimum) 3

Ballista, Great Breaker 1,200 gp 6D8 19-20 x2 100’ (5' minimum) 5

Ram 1,000 gp -- -- -- 10

Siege Tower 2,000 gp -- -- -- 20

Indirect Fire Weapons

Condition Modifier

No line of sight to target square -6

Successive shots (crew can see where most recent misses landed) Cumulative +2 per previous miss (max +10)

Successive shots (crew can’t see where most most recent misses landed, but observer is providing feedback) Cumulative +1 per previous miss (max +5)

Special Siege Engine Ammunition

Ammunition; the effect and what type of siege engines can use that ammunition.

Alchemical Fire; a metal canister that explodes upon impact and deals 4d6 fire to all within 5 of target, each one hit must pass Reflex DC 20 or catch fire, used by accelerators, cannon, fiend's mouth cannon, bombards, catapults, trebuchets, jettison, and gnomish sweepers.

Blast Shot; bundle of pellets/balls/scrap propelled by a black powder charge as a 30' burst from target, makes attack rolls against all eligible targets in blast range. Only misfires if it doesn't hit any possible targets. Fired only from cannon and fiend's mouth cannon.

Bomb; a metal canister filled with metal balls and black powder, can be used in accelerators, catapults, jettisons, gnomish sweepers, and trebuchet. The bomb explodes on impact or within 3 rounds of the fuse being lit, dealing 6D6 piercing and bludgeoning damage to all within 30'. On a mishap the ammo explodes prior to launch dealing damage to the siege engine and crew. It ignores the hardness of stone and wood. It can be fired out of an accelerator, a cannon, a fiend’s mouth cannon, a bombard, a catapult, a trebuchet, a jettison, or a gnomish sweeper.

Chain Shot; fired only from cannon or fiend's mouth cannon. Deals double damage against sails and dirigibles. When fired at a creature, on a successful hit, that creature must pass a DC 20 Fort save or be knocked prone.

Defoliant Shot; a ceramic canister, used in catapults, trebuchet, jettisons, or gnomish sweepers, it releases a mist of defoliant, plant creatures within 30 of the point of impact take an additional 4D6, a successful DC 20 Fort save halves this damage, plant creatures that fail their saving roll take 1D4 points of Strength and 1D4 points of Constitution damage as well. All normal vegetation within 30' of the target is killed. On a siege engine mishap, the ammunition explodes prior to its launch effecting all plants within 30'.

Entangling Bolt; fired from a ballista, it unfurls a large net and makes a ranged touch attack. Targets hit are entangled, but take no damage. An entangled creature may escape with a successful DC 20 Escape Artist as a full-round action. The net has 5 hit points and can be burst with a successful DC 25 Strength check, as a full-round action. Entangling ammo only works on creatures within one size category of the firing ballista.

Liquid Ice; a hard-ceramic canister filled with alchemical liquid ice that can be used in accelerators, catapults, trebuchets, jettisons, and gnomish sweepers. When it hits the target square it deals 4D6 cold damage to each creature within 5'. Each creature hit must make a DC 20 Fort save or become entangled for 1 round. Every creature within the area between 5' and 30' of the target square must make a DC 20 Fort save or take 1/2 damage. On a siege engine mishap, the ammo explodes before it is launched, dealing its damage to all nearby creatures, the siege engine, and the crew.

Plague Bundle; this hard, ceramic canister is filled with a noxious mass of diseased carrion and offal that can be used as ammo for a catapult, trebuchet, jettison or gnomish sweeper. It deals 1/2 damage, but every creature so hit is exposed to filth fever (Fort DC 12, Onset 1D3 days, Frequency 1/day). At the GM's discretion other diseases may be used.

Rockwasp Bomb; Useable in accelerators, catapults, jettisons and gnomish sweepers and trebuchets, this ammo consists of a wooden crate packed with wax globes from which a faint buzzing sound emanates. Visible as a dark shape at the center of each globe is a rat size-hornet known as a rockwasp (native to Hold of Belkzen). The alchemical wax keeps the wasps immobilized, while tiny air holes allow them to breath. This ammo deals 1/2 damage, but releases a wasp swarm, 2 wasp swarms if used in a heavy catapult or heavy trebuchet. The wasps attack for 1 minute before dispersing. On a siege engine mishap, the wasp escapes prior to launching the ammo, releasing a wasp swarm, or two for a heavy siege engine, in the area of the siege engine. At the GM's discretion other species of wasps may be used in other lands.

Smoke Shot; this hard-ceramic sphere contains two alchemical substances separated by a thin barrier, much like a smoke pellet in a larger form. It can be fired out of accelerators, bombards, cannon, fiend’s mouth cannon, bombards, catapults, jettisons, gnomish sweepers, and trebuchet. When it hits the targeting space, it deals 2D6 points of damage to any creature in that space, and the substances mingle, creating an area of foul, but harmless yellow smoke radiating 30' from the target square. Treat the effect as a fog cloud. On a siege engine mishap, the ammo explodes before it is launched. Its effect is centered on one of the spaces of the siege engine.

Siege Weapon Ammunition (compiled from the d20pfsrd tables)

Ammunition Cost Weight Source Ammunition Cost Weight Source

Alchemical Fire 200 gp 10 lbs PRG:UC Entangling Bolt 50 gp 25 lbs PCS: Orc Hordes

Blast Shot 30 gp 25 lbs PRG:UC Liquid Ice 400 gp 20 lbs PRG:UC

Bomb 600 gp 30 lbs PRG:UC Plague Bundle 80 gp 20 lbs PRG:UC

Chain Shot 50 gp 30 lbs PRG:UC Rockwasp Bomb 2,000 gp 100 lbs PCS: Orc Hordes

Defoliant Shot 300 gp 20 lbs PCS: Orc Hordes Smoke Shot 250 gp 20 lbs PRG:UC