
Human languages of Golarion [from the]

Characters who get Common, get that Common for the areas they are native to. If characters are from a region that has a regional tongue, then if they are from that region and they get Common they will also get that tongue.

There are countless human languages spoken on the surface of Golarion. Below is a sample of human languages spoken around the globe.


Common is a relative term used to denote the most prevalent human language spoken in a particular region. For instance, Taldane (see below) is the most widely spoken language in Avistan and Garund and so is referred to as Common in the Inner Sea region. In Tian Xia, however, the most widely spoken language is Tien (see below), and so that is classed as Common on that continent. It may be that on other continents, other human languages are classed as Common.

Other forms of Common are widely taught and may be picked up with a pick in Linguistics, after you determine the type of Common you know.

Dtang (Common in Tian Xa—the Oriental lands)

Dtang is the tongue of the Tian ethnic group known as the Tian-Dtang who primarily inhabit the nation of Dtang Ma in southeastern Tian Xia. It is also spoken by a sizable minority population in the city-state of Goka.


This is the native tongue of the Erutaki people of the Crown of the World.


This harsh, guttural tongue, spoken in rapid staccato is native to the the Kellid people originally from the north of Avistan and centers around survival and war. Although many northern barbarian tribes use versions of Hallit that have no written form, at least one ancient one does exist. It is spoken by a significant portion of the population in the following countries: Brevoy, Galt] Mendev, Nirmathas, Numeria, Razmiran, the River Kingdoms, and the Worldwound.


Hon-La is the native language of the Tian-La people who reside in northernmost Tian Xia, mostly in the nations of Hongal and Shaguang. It is also spoken by a sizable minority population in the city-state of Goka, in the Wall of Heaven Mountains,, and in the mountain nation of Zi Ha.


Hwan is the native language of the ethnic Tian-Hwan of Hwanggot, although it also became popular among those rebelling against the empire of Lung Wa and those who now fight against its Successor States. Hwan is also spoken by a sizable minority in the city-state of Goka.


The Iobarian language is the native tongue spoken in the Iobarian area of the continent of Casmaron by many species, not just the Iobarian ethnic humans. It has a runic script.

Kelish (is the common of The Greater Padishad Empire of Kelesh—That Arabic lands)

Kelish is the language of the Great Padishah Empire of Kelesh far to the east of the Inner Sea. It is a throaty, phlegmatic language, rich with poetry, scholarly writing, and history, having served the empire for countless generations. I t is also widely spoken by the genies of that land. It is widely spoken in the Inner Sea region in Absalom, Alkenstar,Geb, Katapesh, Nex, Taldor and of course Qadira, the westernmost satrapy of the Great Empire. The traders of Kelesh are so ubiquitous, that the language is even spoken by a sizable minority in the great city of Goka, in distant Tian Xia. The language evolved from the tribal languages spoken within the Empire of Kelesh.


Minatan is the lingua franca of the Wandering Isles, spoken by those who travel among the hundred of isolated communities found throughout Minata, and is the native language of the Tian-Sing people. The local languages are all related to Minatan, and a speaker of Minatan can generally communicate effectively with its people. It is most-commonly spoken in southeastern Tian Xia. It is also spoken by a sizable minority in the city-state of Goka.


Minkaian, sometimes called "Minkan", is spoken in the Minkai Empire as the native language of the Tian-Min peoples. The language is related to Tien (see below), and is also very widely spoken in Tian Xia, especially the northern and central regions of that continent including, particularly, Jinin, Shokuro, Chu Ye, Wanshou, and in the city-state of Goka.


This is the most widely spoken language on the continent of Garund. It is a direct descendant of Ancient Osiriani, which modern speakers can partially understand. It is a majority language in Osirion, Alkenstar, Geb, Nex, and Thuvia, and spoken by a sizeable minority in Katapesh and Rahadoum. Osiriani has a deep lexicon of precise magical terminology.


Polyglot is the collective name given to the numerous dialects of the Mwangi tribesfolk inhabiting central and western Garund. Surprisingly, the various tribes can generally understand each other, and it is believed that the dialects are derived from an unknown root language. Polyglot is spoken mainly in the Mwangi Expanse, the Shackles, and Sargava.

Senzar See also: Senzar

Senzar is the truly ancient language of the spirits of Tian Xia, and spoken most frequently by the kami of the Forest of Spirits as well as the inhabitants of the Wall of Heaven Mountains. Scholars believe that it may be the root language of all human tongues on the continent, as many words associated with the spirit world or dragons have Senzar roots. It is also spoken by minority populations in the nations of Chu Ye, and Hongal.


Spoken with any frequency only in the shadowy country of Nidal, where it is used for ceremonial purposes and to keep outsiders from eavesdropping. Shadowtongue is a mix of Taldane, Infernal, and Azlanti. It is a sibilant language of quiet hisses and whispered words. Many words are pronounced with a delicate intake of breath. Non-speakers who hear it often remark that it sounds like it is being spoken backwards. The strix of the Devil's Perch mountains in nearby Cheliax refer to it as Whisprin and believe that it is not only inherently evil, but that it is the cause of Nidal's cultural malignancy. While this is a form of Common and can be learned by anyone, doing so requires finding an instructor willing to teach it first.


Spoken by the Shoanti people of Varisia, this language has many similarities to Hallit, Varisian, Giant, and ancient Thassilonian. A person who speaks any of these three language can communicate basic ideas to a Shoanti, although learning the language is necessary to truly earn these proud people's trust. Shoanti speakers often embellish the language with eloquent metaphors.

Sign languages

Several groups use sign and gesture languages to communicate. As deafness and muteness are unusually common among Varisians, many know a highly developed sign language; this method is also used by the Sczarni as a silent thieves' cant. Practically any Common tongue can have its version of a sign language for it. Pathfinders also use their own sign language to silently communicate.

Skald; For another meaning of "Skald", please see Skald.

Skald is the language of the people of the far north-west of Avistan, the Lands of the Linnorm Kings. It sounds both sonorous and harsh to the southern ear and has a chanting, sing-songy quality with long, complex words. Skald uses the dwarven alphabet with a few letters imported from Taldane. Other than in its homeland, it is also spoken in Brevoy, Irrisen and Ustalav.

Taldane (Common of Avistan and Garund)

Taldane is the most widely spoken language in Avistan and Garund; indeed, it is often referred to as Common in the entire Inner Sea region. It is a trade language which takes its alphabet from ancient Jistka and its numerals from Kelish. Most of the terms and grammar are based on ancient Azlanti, although Taldane also borrows from Varisian. It is thought to be one of the oldest human languages still spoken in the Inner Sea region, and is certainly the most widely-spoken. Taldane is also spoken in the north and west of the continent of Tian Xia by those who trade heavily with the Inner Sea region. It is also the national tongue of the Taldan colony of Amanandar there, and is beginning to spread to other countries in that region. Many localities in Avistan have their own particular slang words or phrases; the most well-known of these is Korvosan slang.

Tien (Common—the Oriental lands)

This complex language is spoken by the Tian people from regions of the once great Imperial Lung Wa; its use is so prevalent, that it is often referred to as Common in that part of the world. It contains nearly 24,000 pictographs and is a tonal language with thousands of homophones. Even though Lung Wa has long been gone, Tien remains the official tongue of most of mainland Tian Xia. A pidgin Tien is spoken in the Valashmai Jungle.


Varisian is the language of the native Varisian people of Varisia. Vocabulary and grammar are based on a mix of Orc, Taldane, Giant, ancient Thassilonian, and a now defunct proto-Varisian language. It is known for its subtle nuances and double-meanings, and is a perfect tool for innuendo. It is spoken by a minority of the population of any of the countries these nomadic people have traveled to or settled in over the millennia including Brevoy, Lastwall, Molthune, Nidal, Nirmathas, and Ustalav.


Varki is the native language of the semi-nomadic Varki people who live in the far north of Golarion, centered in Icemark in the Lands of the Linnorm Kings.


Vudrani is believed to have been born in the Dhavala River basin in distant Vudra, and has been heavily influenced by both Tien and Kelesh. Speakers tend to add many prefixes and suffixes in conversation, making it, for many, difficult-to-pronounce and lengthy words. Derived from the language of its ancient kings, Vudrani is the primary language of Vudra, and its people believe it is the tongue of the gods. It is also spoken on the island of Jalmeray, and in Katapesh and Nex. On the continent of Tian Xia, Vudrani is the most commonly spoken foreign tongue. It can be frequently heard in the trade city of Goka as well as the southwestern parts of that landmass.

Dead languages of Golarion Researchers often pick up these languages.

Nonhuman languages of Golarion Monster hunters often pick up a few of these. Most monsters are actually races of creature and have a unique language common to others of their kind.

Darklands languages Natives of the Underdark often speak these tongues as do certain suspicious characters who like to speak in a conversation that can’t be overheard and easily understood.

Draconic is the tongue of magic (taken from the Wizard of Earthsea series, and unique to my world). For anyone who reads and memorizes spells it is strongly recommended that you take this language. Draconic is the actual text, woof and warp of magic. The tongue is strange and wild. It is unusual and strange that no one except for dragons can lie in this tongue. This is a little known fact or it would be exploited more. Of course all dragons know this. For those who pray for their spells the words just appear in their minds. The same is true for those who cast spontaneously, the words just appeared and they are able to use them, these caster don't necessarily know what those words mean. Most wizards and alchemists learn draconic, so they can create new spells, but it is not required.

The languages found here are accessed from the and can be picked up for a selection in the skill Linguistics.