Empyreal Lords

Empyreal Lords (From Chronicle of the Righteous)

There are a lot of Empyreal Lords which can be worshiped and are able to grant spells; although they tend to have fewer domains to grant than deities. There are also various cults, religious groups, and natural powers who appeal to witches, oracles and others, some grant powers, others are even able to grant domains to their clerics.

Lords of the Empyrean (from Chronicle of the Righteous)

Andoletta: Grandmother Crow: Female archon empyreal lord of consolation, respect, and security. Her symbol is a hand with a wristlet of crow feathers holding a willow staff. Her temples are found in courthouses, orphanages, and schools; her alignment is lawful good; and her areas of concern are consolation, respect, and security; her domains are Good, Knowledge, Law, Protection and her favored weapon is the quarterstaff, always of simple willow. Her clergy wear simple clothes made from plain black materials, and are universally recognizable by their intolerance of foolishness.

Arqueros: The Golden Bulwark: Male archon empyreal lord of bodyguards, protection and watchfulness. His symbol is a gauntleted hand ringed by black briars; his temples can be found in cities at war, royal palaces, and trade cities. His alignment is lawful good; his domains are Good, Knowledge, Law, and Protection; his favored weapon is the quarterstaff.

Arshea (with additions from Faiths of Purity): Spirit of Abandon: Angel empyreal lord of freedom, physical beauty and sexuality. Their holy symbol is a reclining figure draped in multicolored sashes; their temples are found in courtesans’ parlors, burlesque parlors, and dance halls. Their alignment is neutral good; their domains are Charm, Good, Liberation, and Strength; their favored weapon is the flail. It is known for its silken skin and variable gender, she is most popular among the dispossessed and weary. He provides comfort to the weak and bound, showing them a way to regain in their strength and escape their shackles. Her followers wear flowing silk scarves about their person and move with grace; their ultimate goal is to show the possibilities of freedom to those who are suffering, whether physically, mentally, or spiritually. Your congregation is ad hoc; your priests are those whose expressive dances can open the keys of shackles or minds. Your greeting to one another is an intricate four-party bow, and you can sometimes tell other worshipers by their flails they wield—symbolically turning the slaver’s scourges back on them.

Ashava: True Spark: Female azata empyreal lord of dancers, lonely spirits and moonlight. Her symbol is a dancing woman silhouetted against the full moon; her temples can be found in barrows, graveyards, isolated communities, and the wilderness. Her alignment is chaotic good; her domains are Chaos, Darkness, Good, and Repose; her favored weapon is the bladed scarf.

Bharnarol: The Tempered Inventor: Male agathion empyreal lord of creativity, invention, and persistence. His symbol is two tipped potion flasks combining their contents; his temples can be found in factories, libraries, studios, and workshops. His alignment is neutral good; his domains are Artifice, Community, Good, and Knowledge; his favored weapon is the sickle.

Black Butterfly: The Silence Between: Female azata empyreal lord of distance, silence, and space. Her symbol is a black butterfly with a star on its thorax; her temples are found in monasteries, mountain peaks, and underground spaces. Her alignment is chaotic good; her domains are Chaos, Good, Liberation, and Void; her favorite weapon is the star knife.

Chadali: The Serendipitous Path: Female azata empyreal lord of fate, safety, and serendipity. Her symbol is a perfectly symmetrical water lily; her temples are found at crossroads, inside fortune-telling dens, in sanctuaries, and in underground tunnels. Her alignment is chaotic good; her domains are Chaos, Good, Luck and Protection; her favored weapon is the net.

Chucaro: Maiden of Haze and Whimsey; Female azata empyreal lord of dreams, hallucinations, and mists; her holy symbol is the eye with a rainbow iris; her temples can be found in asylums, galleries, lowlands and along shorelines. Her alignment is chaotic good; her domains are Chaos, Good, Madness, and Magic; and her favored weapon is the Morningstar.

Damerrich: The Weighted Swing: Male archon empyreal lord of executions, judiciousness and responsibility; his holy symbol is a white dove perched on the eye of an axe; his temples can be found in courthouses, gallows, morgues, and prisons. His alignment is lawful good; his domains are Death, Glory, Good, and Law; his favored weapon is the greataxe.

Eritrice: Heart-Speaker: Female agathion empyreal lord of debate, opinions, and truth; her holy symbol is a lectern rising from the back of a marble lion; her temples can be found in amphitheaters, courthouses, libraries, and multicultural cities. Her alignment is neutral good; her domains are Charm, Good, Knowledge, and Nobility; and her favored weapon is the dagger.

Falayna: Warrior’s Ring: Female archon empyreal lord of femininity, martial training and rings; her holy symbol is a silk-garbed arm holding a sword aloft; her temples can be found on battlefields, combat arenas, cites with distinct woman’s quarters. Her alignment is lawful good; her domains are Good, Law, Liberation, and Strength; and her favored weapon is the longsword.

Ghenshau: Breezes-Still-and-Ripples-Cease: Male archon empyreal lord of ignorance placidity, and simplicity; his symbol is a rock covered with flowers and vines in the center of a pond; his temples can be found in calm districts in otherwise bustling cities, on lake shores, and in rural areas

Halcamora: Lady of Ripe Bounty: Female agathion empyreal lord of gardens, orchards, and wine; her symbol is a jug overflowing with ripe grapes; and her temples are found in agrarian communities, urban gardens, parks and wineries. Her alignment is neutral good; her domains are Good, Luck, Plant and Weather; her favored weapon is the club.

Immonhiel: Balm-Bringer: Angel empyreal lord of herbs, medicine and toads; his symbol is a wooden frog covered with herbs; his temples can be found in healer’s houses, herb gardens, marshes and sick wards. His alignment is chaotic good; his domains are Chaos, Good, Healing, and Plant; and his favored weapon is the handaxe.

Irez: Lady of Inscribed Wonder: Female agathion empyreal lord of cards, scribes, and spells; her holy symbol is a fan of coiled parchment scripts; her worshipers can be found in arcane libraries, copying-houses, friendly card games, scribes and spells. Her alignment is neutral good; her domains are Good, Luck, Magic, and Rune; and her favored weapon is the dart.

Jaidz: Fearless Claw: Male agathion empyreal lord of cowards, the untested, and youths; his holy symbol is a path that winds between two trees; and his temples can be found in orphanages, schools, and trade cities. Her alignment is neutral good; and her domains are Glory, Good, Protection, and Travel; his favored weapon is the short sword.

Jalaijatali: Rilsong: Female azata empyreal lord of natural music, rapids, and waterfalls; her symbol is flowing water from a wooden pipe and her temp0les can be found in bard colleges, port towns, on river banks and at waterfalls. Her alignment is chaotic good; his domains are Chaos, Good, Scalykind, and Water; and his favored weapon is the whip.

Korada: The Open Hand of Harmony (with additions from Faiths of Purity): Male agathion empyreal lord of foresight, forgiveness, and peace; his holy symbol is two kneeling devotees before a blooming lotus; his temples can be found in diplomatic embassies, mountain monasteries, and wells. His alignment is neutral good; his domains are Good, Healing, Magic, and Protection; his favored weapon the unarmed strike. He is known as the meditating Lord of the Dream Lotus, and his primary followers are monks, ascetics, and those who lead the life of the mind/body/spirit union. His followers devoutly shave their heads and sacrifice their earthly pleasures to contemplate existence. They never raise their voice or lose their temper; they are a calm island even in the midst of chaos. They greet others of their kind with a bow and the touch of two fingers, and their monasteries are hidden in mountain fastnesses or far-flung desert oases.

Lalaci: He of Motley Repose: Male azata empyreal lord of rainbows, relaxation and shade; his holy symbol is a rainbow with a shadowed reflection; his temples can be found at beaches in deserts, inside of glassworks, with illusionists and with those in need of rest. His alignment is chaotic good; his domains are Chaos, Good, Luck, and Sun; his favored weapon is the sling.

Lymnieris: The Auroral Tower: Angel empyreal lord of prostitution, rites of passage, and virginity; her symbol is a face in profile hidden by a white hood; his temples are found in brothels, convents, at graduation ceremonies, and at sacred areas where ritual of adulthood take place. His alignment is lawful good; his domains are Community, Good, Law, and Protection; and his favored weapon is the longsword.

Olheon: The Just Arbiter: Female archon, empyreal lord of deservedness, nobility, and rulership; her holy symbol is a bowed figure supporting an angular network of silver branches; her temples can be found in ancestral homes, palaces, and workplaces, of legal officials. His alignment is lawful good; and his domains are Good, Law, Nobility, and Protection; and his favored weapon is the halberd.

Picoperi: Merrygleam: Male azata empyreal lord of jokes, pranks, and surprises; his holy symbol is a winking snake on a tree branch; his temples can be found in alchemical labs, jungles, taverns and toymaker’s shops. His alignment is chaotic good; his domains are Chaos, Charm, Good, and Trickery; and his favored weapon is the blowgun.

Pulura: General of Vengeance: Angel empyreal lord of chivalry, duty, and vengeance; his holy symbol is a bastard sword crossed with a crimson wing; his temples can be found on battlefields, in castles, fortresses headquarters of knightly orders, and in war rooms. His alignment is chaotic good; and his domains are Air, Chaos, Good, Weather; and his favored weapon is the sling.

Ragathiel (from Faiths of Purity): Leader of legions of heroes, one of the generals of heaven and son of the archdevil Dispater. His alignment is Lawful Good, and his domains are Destruction, Good, Law, and Nobility. Most of his followers are paladins, fighters or clerics who have served in the military. They believe in valor and bravery, in standing strong against evil, and the right makes might. Your congregation is made of like-minded warriors, the community of the battlefield. Their colors are red and silver with a flame colored ornament or sigil worn somewhere on the body (generally, a helmet). The church’s holy times of greatest devotion are the silent moments before and after battle when your leader ask for Ragathiel’s eyes to fall upon you and his wings to cover you; this is also a standard greeting and farewell among your faith.

Rowdrosh: The Divine Herdsman: Agathion empyreal lord of herd animals, husbandry, and shepherds; his holy symbol is an ivory double-headed shepherd’s crook; his temples can be found in kennels, on mountainsides, on planes, in ranches, and in watering holes. His alignment is neutral good; his domains are Animal, Good, Protection, and Travel; and his favored weapon is the quarterstaff.

Seramaydiel: Lady of Inspired Notes: Angel empyreal lord of communication, inspiration, and music; his holy symbol is twin chromatic harps in gold and silver; his temples can be found in border towns, on forges, in music halls, and in scriveners’ shops. Her alignment is neutral good; and her domains are Air, Charm, Good, and Nobility; and his favored weapon is the blowgun.

Shei: The Ibis Matron: Female agathion empyreal lord of age, life, and self-actualization; her holy symbol is a trio of seeds, cradled in the blade of a sickle; her temples can be found in community centers, in family homes, on farmland, in monasteries, and in schools. Her alignment is neutral good; and her domains are Community, Good, Healing, and Liberation; and her favored weapon is the sickle.

Sinashakti (with additions from Faiths of Purity): The Walker of Worlds is beloved of traveling bards and merchants whose primary motive is the journey rather than profit. Immaculate Joy: Male azata empyreal lord of journeys, joy, and messengers; his holy symbol is an emerald trumpet emitting a brown silk ribbon that becomes a road; his temples can be found at caravan stops, on docks, at roadside shrines, and in wedding chapels. His alignment is chaotic good; and his domains are Chaos, Good, Luck, and Travel; his favored weapon is the shortbow. His followers forswear permanent residence and carry a shortbow painted in the colors of dawn, and the arrows they fire are painted like sunrays. They are storytellers, eager to unite people through their common wonder and joy in the world and strive to learn new languages. Their greeting to the faithful is “May the light carry you far today.”

Soralyon: The Mystic Angel: Angel empyreal lord of guardians, magic, and monuments; his holy symbol is a stone spire covered with astronomical signs; his temples can be found at ancient monuments, in arcane towers, in libraries, at stone cathedrals, and in watchtowers. His alignment is neutral good; his domains are Artifice, Earth, Good, and Protection; his favored weapon is the heavy pick.

Tanagaar: The Aurulent Eye: Male archon empyreal lord of night, owls, and watchfulness; his holy symbol is a shadowed golden owl eye; his temples can be found at nation’s borders, inside deep woods, on farmlands, at bordering forests, and in watchtowers. His alignment is lawful good; and his domains are Animal, Darkness, Good, and Law; and his favored weapon is the kukri.

Tolc: Snow-Strider: Angel empyreal lord of cold, frozen wilds and survival; his holy symbol is a set of caribou antlers cradling a javelin of ice; he temples can be found in artic outposts, in hunting lodges, or in ice caves. His alignment is chaotic good; his domains are Chaos, Good, Travel, and Water and his favored weapon is the javelin.

Uskyeria: The Hunter: Is a male agathion empyreal lord. His holy symbol is a curved sword (not RAW); his areas of concern are hunting, prudence, and slumber; his domains are Animal, Good, Repose, Strength; and his favored weapon is the scimitar.

Valani: Fireshaker (with additions from Faiths of Purity): He is known as the lord of the sea and the Father of Islands, a traveler’s patron. He is a male azata empyreal lord of change, growth, and primal forces; his holy symbol is a volcanic eruption of golden lava; his temples can be found in hot springs, on islands, inside of tropical jungles, and on volcano slopes. His alignment is chaotic good; his domains are Chaos, Earth, Good, Weather; and his favored weapon is the club. He trawls the oceans with his great net, and carries a club of driftwood to subdue the bizarre, light-hating monsters he catches within. His worshipers are explorers of new places, and are as mercurial as the wind. They wear comfortable durable clothing suitable for ocean travel and carry a club of their own, and perhaps a net. If they wear jewelry it is likely a shell necklace with a pearl at its center. They have no church, as such, but when they gather with like-minded worshipers they build bonfires on the beach and dance through the night, varying their tempo with the pulse of the wind. They understand that nothing lasts forever, and thank nature for its gifts while preparing for those gifts to be rescinded at any moment.

Vildeis: The Cardinal Martyr: Female angel empyreal lord of devotion, sacrifice and scars; her holy symbol is a scarred golden breastplate; his temples can be found in asylums, inside of cathedrals, in convents, and inside of interrogation chambers. Her alignment is lawful good; and her domains are Destruction, Good, Healing, and Law; her favored weapon is the dagger.

Winlas: The Elder of Divinity: Male archon empyreal lord of ceremonies, religiousness, and service; his holy symbol is a censer hanging from a sapphire mace; his temples can be found in community centers, at grand cathedrals, and in holy sites. His alignment is lawful good; his domains are Good, Knowledge, Law and Protection; and his favored weapon is the mace.

Ylimancha: Harborwing: Female agathion empyreal lord of coastal waters, fisherfolk, and flying creatures; her holy symbol is a golden seagull with blue circles on each wing; her temples can be found in aeries, on cliff sides, inside port cities, and at shoreline villages. Her alignment is neutral good; and her domains are Air, Animal, Good and Water; her favored weapon is the longbow.

Zohls: Verity: Female archon empyreal lord of determination, investigation and truth; her holy symbol is an open tome with a checkered page; her temples can be found in athenaeums, inside guard houses, in laboratories, libraries, scriptoriums, and in universities. Her alignment is lawful good; her domains are Good, Knowledge, Law, and Travel; and her favored weapon is the crossbow.