City Services

Cost of City Services

(They can vary by the area, the market or how the DM feels, it should only give you and idea of what prices will be.)


Armor Repair 2 gp

Weapon Repair 1 gp

Blacksmith 15 sp


Cheap Meal with drinks 4 cp

Average Meal with drinks 3 sp

Fancy Meal with drinks 5 sp


A cheap play/show 1d10 sp

A good play/show 1d10 gp

An excellent play/show 10 x1d10 gp

Cheap Entertainment 5 cp

Average Entertainment 3 sp

Fancy Entertainment 1 gp

Horses, Care of---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Farer (Horseshoes) 1 gp

Horse Grooming 2 gp

Horse Meal 8 sp

Stable 1 sp/night

Stable (with Horse Meal) 15 sp


Rent, Cheap Apartment 1d4 gp/month

Rent, Average Apartment or Cottage 1d4 x10 gp/month

Rent Villa or Manor 2d8 x10 gp/month

Buy Cheap Apartment 1d4 x100 gp (if available)

Buy Average Apartment or Cottage 1d4 x1,000 gp (if available)

Buy Villa or Manor 2d8 x1,000 gp (if available)

Laundry 1 sp/piece

Stay at an Inn------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Cheap Inn 2 sp/night

Average Inn 5 sp/night

Fancy Inn 2 gp/night

Retraining 10 gp/level/day

Retraining Hit Points 10 gp/level/day

Spellcasting 10 gp x spell level x caster level + components

Legal Services----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Good Barrister 1 gp/day

Expert Barrister 10 gp/day

Forged Papers 10 gp-100 gp


General Research 1 sp/day

Magic Research 1 gp/day

Sage's Services 50 gp-100gp/question

Identification of Magic Items 1% of price

Personal Services-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

City Guide 1 sp/day

Letter or package delivery 15 sp

Messenger 8 sp

Night Guard 1 gp

Storage 1 gp/cubic foot/week

Drink Prices--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Cheap Ale 1 sp

Good Ale 2 sp

Excellent Ale 5 sp

Everclear (199 proof) 7 gp

Anvil, Blackberry & Lemon, 230 proof 10 gp

Dwarf Dropper (275 proof) 25 gp

Cheap Beer 2 cp

Good Beer 5 cp

Excellent Beer 1 sp

Imported, High Quality Beer 1 gp

Cheap Bourbon 2 sp

Good Bourbon 7 sp

Excellent Bourbon 11 sp

Imported, High Quality Bourbon 1 gp

Cheap Grog (water and rum) 4 cp

Good Grog (water and rum) 6 cp

Excellent Grog (water and rum) 1 sp

Cheap Juice, Blackberry 4 sp

Cheap, Juice, Apple 3 sp

Good Juice, Apple 8 sp

Good, Juice Blackberry 9 sp

Cheap, Juice, Grape 3 sp

Good Juice, Grape 8 sp

Cheap, Juice, Orange 3 sp

Good Juice, Orange 8 sp

Cheap Juice, Pear 4 sp

Good Juice, Pear 9 sp

Cheap, Juice, Strawberry 4 sp

Juice, Filtered Strawberry 9 sp

Cheap, Juice, Tomato 3 sp

Good Juice, Tomato 8 sp

Cheap Mead 3 sp

Good Mead 5 sp

Excellent Mead 1 gp

Milk, Cow 4 cp

Milk, Goat 3 cp

Pepperine, Peppered Wine 5 sp

Sassafras Tea 8 sp

Sweetened Tea 4 cp

Tea 2 cp

Cheap Sishu (Mushroom Juice) 4 cp

Filtered Sishu 8 cp

Water, Spring 1 cp

Water, Spring, Filtered 5 cp

Cheap Wine 2 sp

Good Wine 5 sp

Excellent Wine 1 gp

Imported, High Quality Wine 5 gp

Drow Wine (made with a special fungus) 3 gp

Elven Wine (very light alcohol content) 5 gp