Devil Worship


Diabolists idolize the perfect and unyielding law of Hell, and hold that Hell’s orderliness is the only appropriate model on which to base a society. Although diabolists point to Asmodeus and the archdevils as role models worthy of respect and emulation, many are unwilling to worship such wicked creatures directly, for obvious reason. Indeed, due to its status as a philosophy rather than a religion, diabolism is widely studied by scholars in many societies that would never permit outright devil worship. Although some students are quick to point out that these are only philosophical ideals rather than realistic expectations, diabolism holds many distasteful things to be necessary, given the example of Hell. The suppression of free will is necessary to avoid rebellion and build reflexive loyalty. Harsh rulers distinguished for their cruelty, discipline, and cleverness are necessary to keep the rabble from going astray or falling to chaos and ruin. Punishment is necessary to reduce misconduct and prevent mutiny. Slavery is necessary to keep the unworthy from wielding power they do not deserve. Even evil and pain are necessary to give context and meaning to good and kindness. Most diabolists are academics, court advisers, and military personnel, commonly training as bards, cavaliers, and wizards. They are particularly common in Cheliax.

Archdevils (from Faiths of Corruption)

When you worship one of the archdevils, you pledge yourself to its service and seek to elevate your lord and master above all the other archdevils. Asmodeus, being by far the most powerful being in all the layers of Hell, does not see the worship of his archdevils as a threat, knowing that their worship is an extension of his own. The archdevils are all lawful evil and their domains include Evil and Law. Their cults tend to be small, and members’ numbers are few outside of Cheliax, yet you persevere working in secret (as do your masters) to ensure the rightful place of your infernal lord. Though they are similar in many ways, the cults of the archdevils attract greatly different worshipers, and you feel little kinship with the cultists of the other splintered sects.

Baalzebul, the Lord of Flies, calls arrogant insecure liars to his service. His other domains are Air and Death, and his favored weapon is the spear. If you follow Baalzebul you envy others their glory, even if yours outshines theirs. You are bitter and twisted, imagining slights and constantly dreaming of vengeance but rarely acting on it except on impetuous urges or in secret. Your symbol is a shattered crown, and you likely carry a tattoo of it somewhere on your person.

You may choose instead to follow Barbatos, the keeper of the gate of Hell, who is largely worshiped by those who would rather keep their strongest powers hidden, even form their allies. His other domains are Magic and Travel, and his favored weapon is the quarterstaff. His symbol, three eyes surmounting three heads, is thought by his most devout believers to open a gateway for him should he choose to take it, and so you take pains to place his sigil across the world during your travels. You believe in using knowledge to corrupt either by withholding crucial information or by providing too much. You read in our secret power and you are careful and fastidious so that few find your true nature.

Should you worship Belial, your lord is a shapeshifter, a seducer and the tempter of base animal nature. His other domains are Charm and Destruction, and his favored weapon is the ranseur. You believe that only constraints on your life are your imagination. You are a hedonist and an epicure, demanding sensation and luxury. You are dramatic and vain, and you cannot believe that someone might choose another over you. You might be an aging socialite or a cuckold, viciously seeking immortality or hoping to exact revenge on your lover. Your worship is not a social activity; it is a solitary beast, courted in your fevered imaginings.

Dispater, the First king, is the lord of society in its many forms, with an active interest in building and maintaining the perfect city of law, and his worshipers are often rumormongers and politicians. Dispater’s other domains are Nobility and Trickery, and his favored weapon is the heavy mace. Those who have been exiled or outcast call upon him, as do those who seek to improve their stations at court. Your worship of Dispater means you are cunning and manipulative, and will work within strictures to improve your position. You are arrogant and disdainful, but you may possess a romantic streak.

Geryon is the lord of lies and heresies of forbidden knowledge that people kill to know. His other domains are Strength and Water, and his favored weapon is the heavy flail. Should you choose to venerate him, you are likely a heretic or false prophet, and often one of great knowledge and little wisdom. You are a deceiver and fraud, seeking to topple conventional wisdom—whether for money or profit, or out of sincere belief—and you call on Geryon to summon forth this hidden knowledge. Your sects consist of small and secret affairs of intellectuals and researchers, often convening in the basements of libraries and ruins.

Love of money directs you to the worship of Mammon, and you are likely a miser, a passionate capitalist who values treasure above life itself. His other domains are Artifice and Earth, and his favored weapon is the shortspear. You believe that everyone has opportunity but that you alone are favored enough to seize it, and that the poor and wretched are thus because of their personal failings. You lure others to this belief with your display of riches and wealth, and your constant bragging about having pulled yourself up by your own power. If you are poor, you consider yourself among Mammon’s favored against, for you will sacrifice much to become wealthy and you believe your lord will help you in this life to achieve wealth so that you can rule over those who lack such strength.

Mephistopheles is the Seneschal of Hell and ruler of the eighth layer, his is the granter of wishes and deliverer of damnation. His other domains are Knowledge and Rune, and his favored weapon is the trident. He knows the secrets of Hell and serves Asmodeus willingly. Most who serve Mephistopheles do not do so willingly having been lured in by tempting bargains before realizing that you need to purchase your eternal freedom with the souls of others. You are a sly cozener, a master of twisting words, and you are willing to say or do almost anything to get your way. You excel at dividing allies and causing rifts among friends.

If infernal and mighty anger echoes within your heart, you are probably a soldier of Moloch, a being of wrath like your lord. His other domains are Fire and War, and his favored weapon is the whip. You might be a Hellknight, a general, or a mere foot soldier, but you look to Moloch for his commanding ways, and are willing to countenance any means to reach an end. The cults of Molocha are exceedingly popular in certain parts of Golarion with entire villages worshiping him at great kilns bearing his likeness. You cast your living sacrifices into his gaping mouth, with a greater sacrifice granting greater powers. His maw is always hungry, and his armies are always marching.