Office of Commercial Space Transportation

Commercial Space Data

When we talk about launch facilities there are now two types. Traditional vertical launch facilities which launch rockets from a pad vertically into space from the ground, and now we also have horizontal launch facilities. These horizontal launch facilities, also sometimes referred to as "spaceports" support the "launch" of aircraft launch systems like Virgin Orbit.

California Spaceport | Harris

Cecil Airport | Spaceport

Houston Spaceport

Midland International Air & Space Port

Mojave Air & Space Port

Oklahoma Space Industry Development Authority

Pacific Spaceport Complex - Alaska (PSCA)

Spaceport America


NSWP - Unified National Space Weather Portal


2:48 p.m.

SpaceX's Dragon spacecraft floated down under a quartet of parachutes and splashed down traveling 15 miles per hour at 2:48 p.m. Eastern time, exactly on time, marking the first time NASA astronauts had landed at sea since Apollo-Soyuz, the joint U.S.-Soviet mission in 1975.