Airport Engineering & Planning

FAA | Airport Engineering, Design, & Construction (main landing page)

AC 150/5300-13A - Airport Design

from 150/5300-13 CHG 10

Airplane Design Group (ADG). A grouping of airplanes based on wingspan or tail height. Where an airplane is in two categories, the most demanding category should be used. The groups are as follows:

Group I: Up to but not including 49 feet (15 m) wingspan or tail height up to but not including 20 feet.

Group II: 49 feet (15 m) up to but not including 79 feet (24 m) wingspan or tail height from 20 up to but not including 30 feet.

Group III: 79 feet (24 m) up to but not including 118 feet (36 m) wingspan or tail height from 30 up to but not including 45 feet.

Group IV: 118 feet (36 m) up to but not including 171 feet (52 m) wingspan or tail height from 45 up to but not including 60 feet.

Group V: 171 feet (52 m) up to but not including 214 feet (65 m) wingspan or tail height from 60 up to but not including 66 feet.

Group VI: 214 feet (65 m) up to but not including 262 feet (80 m) wingspan or tail height from 66 up to but not including 80 feet.

Table 1-1. Airplane Design Groups (ADG)