Schools & Military

Junior Colleges

Junior Colleges (or Community Colleges), if available in your area, offer a very cost effective means of going through ground school, whereas you would pay a CFI (Certified Flight Instructor, or a ground instructor) their hourly rate, at a junior college you simple pay the tuition which in the long run is much cheaper.

Mt. San Antonio College Aeronautics & Transportation

Cypress College Aviation & Travel Careers

Orange Coast College Aviation Science Aviation Maintenance Tech

Four Year Colleges & Universities

Prescott Campus, Arizona

Hazy Library

Daytona Beach Campus, Florida

Hunt Library

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Professional Education

ERAU | Research

Florida NextGen Test Bed

ERAU | Scholarly Commons (Scholarly Commons is an open access digital repository of the intellectual output produced by the faculty, students and staff of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.)

The Embry-Riddle Newsroom

If service is your thing, then there is no nobler way earn your wings than by flying in our Armed Forces in defense of this great nation. It should be noted that there of course many other aviation career fields in the military (just like in the civilian sector) that support aviation, or are aviation but just not pilot billets. To look into the variety of aviation jobs in the military, click ::here::

Service Academies

United States Military Academy - West Point

United States Naval Academy - Annapolis

United States Coast Guard Academy

U.S. Merchant Marine Academy

The Citadel

How to Get Into a Military Academy

To be accepted into any service academy except for the Coast Guard Academy, you must first be nominated to the school by either:

    • A U.S. Senator

    • A U.S. Representative

    • The Vice President of the U.S., who can nominate applicants to any academy except the Merchant Marine Academy.

For more information, contact your Senator, Representative, or the Vice President.

How to Get Into the Coast Guard Academy

Submit an application directly. You don't need to be nominated.

Other Routes to Earning a Commission:

Officer Candidate School

Officer Candidate School (OCS), known as Officer Training School (OTS) in the Air Force, is essentially the equivalent of Basic Training for enlisted recruits interested in becoming officers.

There are three types of people who attend OCS/OTS:

    • Graduates from a traditional four-year college or university

    • Enlisted service members transitioning into officer roles

    • Direct Commission Officers (DCOs) with specialized skills or professional degrees

While duration and type of training varies among the Services, all teach military subjects, leadership skills and physical training. The goal is to prepare recruits for the challenges of officer life, from managing others to understanding military culture and law. You can learn more about specific programs and classes by visiting the Service-specific websites listed in the table below. (courtesy of Today's Military)

ROTC Programs

Founded in 1916, ROTC stands for Reserve Officer Training Corps. It’s a college program offered at over 1,700 colleges and universities across the United States that prepares young adults to become officers in the U.S. Military. In exchange for a paid college education and a guaranteed post-college career, cadets commit to serve in the Military after graduation. As detailed below, each Service branch has its own take on ROTC.