Welcome to the world of airports, aircraft, and everything else in between! 

So you might ask, what is this all about? Well, this website honestly began when I got tired of computer systems crashing and then having to go back and repopulate browser bookmarks, and over the years it has also morphed into somewhat of scrapbook in that I'll copy paste graphics that I really like or text that I want to hold on to. Using this format also provides a level of portability, in the sense that as long as I have the link to this site, I have access to all of my "bookmarks" no matter what computer or device I use. This was intended and still is primarily here for my own use, but over the years I have shared this site with colleagues and friends, and I certainly don't mind if you find this useful and share with others. 

DISCLAIMER: There's no profit going on here, but if there's a graphic or photo or something that need's crediting then please do advise.

Whatever your motivation, AVIATION 101 is a great place to start! Enroll in this FREE online course, and proceed at your own pace to learn fundamentals that will give you a head start to your aviation career. AVIATION 101 offers you more than just knowledge.

AVIATION 101 is comprised of nine video lessons, which will introduce you to a variety of topics in aviation.

No matter your age or your goals, whether you are taking your first steps toward an aviation career, or if you are an experienced pilot, AVIATION 101 has something for you! Be sure to share this course with anyone who may also be interested in aviation!

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