
Vending machine 

Long Beach Airport - Baggage Claim

Open 24 hrs

Inside the Concourse

4th Street Vine (north concourse)

Boathouse on the Bay (south concourse 0600 - 1800)

George's Greek Café (north concourse 0830 - 1500, except SUN 0830 - 1300)

Long Beach Burger Bar (north concourse 1000 - 2130)

Sweet Jill's Bakery + Polly's Gourmet Coffee (both north and south concourse SUN - THU 0530 - 2200, FRI & SAT 0530 - 1200)

Taco Beach Cantina (north concourse 0600 - 1600, except TUE and WED 0600 - 1330)

Aeroport Deli

3333 E Spring St # 18, Long Beach, CA 90806


Saturday & Sunday Closed

Monday - Friday 0700 - 1530

3400 Cherry Ave, Long Beach, CA 90807

MON - SAT 0500 - 2300, SUN 0600 - 2300