Proyecto Interdisciplinar



En grupos entre 3 ó 5 alumnos vais a representar en clase un mito clásico de la mitología egipcia o griega. Un mito es una historia basada en una leyenda que tiene un significado simbólico donde aparecen dioses, personajes fantásticos y héroes con poderes asombrosos. 

Debéis elegir un mito en español de los que habéis leído en este curso y otro en inglés de los que aquí os proponemos. Podéis mostrar imágenes en una presentación, o bien dramatizarlo con marionetas o vosotros mismos disfrazados. Debe aparecer un narrador y personajes. 

Egyptian creation

How the Gods began

The Wooden Horse

This is a short story about the legend of the wooden horse at the Troyan war.

Other Greek Myths

Finally, here is the link to other short stories of Greek myths including an easy version of the Minotaur.

Daedalus and Icarus

This is the story of one young man who did not listen to his father’s warning. Play the story to find out what happened.

Here is the link to the story text of Daedalus and Icarus (This story has not an easy read version)

Pandora’s Box

It was just a simple box. What was in it? Could it be gold, or silver, even precious stones? Surely just taking a very quick look inside couldn’t do any harm – could it?

Here is the link to the story text and an easy read version of Pandora’s Box

Theseus and the Minotaur

A long time ago, in a dark Labyrinth, lived a terrifying monster. A monster that ate humans. Could the brave Theseus defeat the beast? Why not read the story and find out.

Here is the story text and an easy read version of Theseus and the Minotaur

Arachne the Spinner

Arachne was a very talented spinner and weaver but also arrogant, so arrogant she challenged the goddess Athena to a contest. Find out what happened when the goddess accepted the challenge.