My Experience with Weight Loss

The Paleo movement has added a lot of interesting perspectives and research to the field of nutrition. Paleo eaters have far more in common with their vegan 'opponents' than they realize. Both are down on processed food and sugar. Both recognize the importance of good fats to satisfy us. Both recommend that every meal should be at least 50% above ground vegetables. Both are down on inhumanely raised meat. They should unite and go after the real culprits behind poor health.

Here is an idea to think about:

Grains are storehouses of energy for a seed. Grains are the perfect way to store food for the time of year when fresh vegetables and fruit are not available. During the seasons when you have to rely on grains, your body probably goes into storage mode, instead of active (hunting and gathering) mode. Is it possible that something in grains triggers our metabolism to go into storage mode?

Some of us no doubt evolved from tribes that had year round access to game and plant food and did not need to store fat. Perhaps that accounts for the people who can consume pasta, bread and pastries and never put on weight AND perhaps it explains why some people from warmer climates are susceptible to obesity when they migrate or start consuming more grain filled Western processed foods. This is something '23 and Me" researchers might ask their members, so as to be able to figure out in future.

The bottom line is that since we are fortunate to enjoy year round availability of fresh vegetables, nuts, fruit, fish and meat, we should eat primarily fresh food. Leave the processed and long shelf life foods in the supermarket for times of famine and don't carry it around on your waistline. : )

Read the accounts of people, like President Bill Clinton, who lost weight and kept it off by switching to a plant based diet. Invariably you will hear that these people did not restrict calories or portion size - instead they changed what they eat.

If you are over weight, stop blaming yourself and start blaming SAD (standard American diet) !!