
Rethink eating packaged cereal for breakfast. In fact, re-think the need to eat milk and grains for breakfast. The best way to cut down on sugar in your diet, is to start the day with a savory plate and stick to the basic 50-25-25 food plate rule. Or option 2 is healthy crepes with fresh berries and chia seeds.

Option 1 - Savory Breakfast Plate

  • Half a gluten free bagel as the base. Smother it with half a ripe avocado, in place of butter or cream cheese. Now add a pasture raised egg beaten and cooked in a good oil with turmeric laden egg. Top with pico de gallo or sauerkraut and half a cup of fresh chopped cilantro

Option 2 - Gluten Free + Sugar Free Crepes (6 Crepes)

  • In a bowl, mix 2 eggs, 2 tbsp coconut milk, half a tsp baking powder, a cup of water, and a cup of flour. I mix or vary any of these: Cassava, Teff, Buckwheat, and Sweet Sorghum. The texture should be gluey but runny and the crepes should form a large circle on the griddle. Wait until multiple bubbles have popped before turning or it will fall apart.
  • Top with fresh or frozen berries (blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, strawberries) Stew frozen berries in a little water to thaw. Cooked plums are also delicious
  • Add a tablespoon of chia seeds that have been soaked over night in coconut milk and 10x the volume of water