
There is much wisdom in the knowledge of our collective grandmothers. Each knew the healing powers of herbs and plants that grew locally in their region. Michael Pollan recommends that we only eat what our grandmothers ate and stop eating processed fast food. In fact, he says "Don’t eat anything your great-great-great grandmother wouldn’t recognize as food. Lets generalize on this a bit and look at the food and remedies that all of our collective grandmothers and great grandmothers knew about. Some rules and may border on superstition, but many have wisdom and efficacy.

If we can combine this knowledge and apply it to the multicultural diet that we enjoy today, we should be able to assemble a cache of remedies for ailments and imbalances. My hope is that we will one day crowd source this knowledge and get millions of people to validate the efficacy of natural remedies that work for particular ailments. The vast sample size would sort n=1 reports into collective wisdom and could supplement randomized placebo controlled double blind gold standard studies mostly using mice. What's more the outcome interests of the funders of these studies would be neutralized.

The pages below contain some culinary cures: