My Bahá'í Path

The pages below are about how the Baha'i Writings have guided my efforts to improve my family"s health and to grow my own edible garden. In 1985 I came across this worldwide religion. One of the primary tenets is the harmony of science and religion. Both try to understand creation and although the Creator remains unknowable, the understanding we have is progressively revealed and discovered as mankind matures over the centuries .

It was so inspiring to me, to read that natural remedies will eventually replace pharmaceuticals for healing and health. Perhaps it is the contraction of the world into a neighborhood that is making possible the sharing and scientific understanding of how natural remedies from every corner of the globe heal. Perhaps we also needed to understand how the gut microbiome functions and the importance of the Mycorrhizal fungi beneath the soil - both 'worlds' unknown to mankind 150 years ago.