Your Gut Microbiome

  • The Human Genome was sequenced in 2003. Surprisingly, we have many fewer than expected number of genes. We, like earthworms, have 20k genes.
  • The Gut Mictobiome mapping began in 2008, and new flora are being identified each week.
  • The Soil Microbiome is equally fascinating and complex.
  • 90% of the cells within your body are not your DNA. Trillions of bacteria live in your intestines, skin, mouth, lungs and influence your health, immunity, weight and even mood
  • When the microbiome is out of balance, no diet will ever work. The bacteria you don't want control how calories are extracted and stored, influence cravings, hormones, appetite, neurotransmitters and metabolism. When you restore balance, the good bacteria take control, and you lose weight, feel more energetic, have improved immunity, improved absorption of nutrients. They also manufacture vitamins and other nutrients.
  • You can prevent and possibly reverse diabetes, autoimmune disorders, autism and many other chronic conditions.
  • Antibiotics lead to weight gain - that is one reason they are fed to livestock. They destroy the good and bad bacteria alike.
  • Probiotics, contain the good bacteria
  • Prebiotics like oligosaccharides, provide the fiber and nutrients the good bacteria need.
  • Natural childbirth and breastfeeding populate the gut of a baby.
  • The gut accounts for two thirds of our immune system.