TAMU Undergraduate Student Learning Outcomes

A student who graduates from Texas A&M University with a baccalaureate degree will have acquired the knowledge and skills necessary to do the following:

1. Master the depth of knowledge required for a degree, including the ability to:

    • Articulate disciplinary and interdisciplinary theories, concepts, principles, skills, and practices

    • Synthesize knowledge across courses and other experiences

    • Apply knowledge from core curriculum courses, discipline-based courses, and other experiences in a range of contexts to solve problems and make decisions

2. Demonstrate critical thinking, including the ability to:

    • Evaluate, analyze, and integrate information from a variety of sources

    • Use appropriate strategies and tools to represent, analyze, and integrate information

    • Develop critical, reasoned positions

3. Communicate effectively, including the ability to:

    • Demonstrate effective oral communication skills (which could include the use of languages such as American Sign language for those who do not communicate orally)

    • Demonstrate effective writing skills

    • Demonstrate effective nonverbal communication skills (which could include appropriate use of performance, design, or representations such as maps, tables, and graphs)

    • Listen actively and critically

    • Present work effectively to a range of audiences

    • Effectively communicate original and creative ideas

4. Practice personal and social responsibility, including the ability to:

    • Practice ethical leadership

    • Recognize an ethical dilemma and apply rational decision-making in order to address it

    • Choose ethical courses of action in research and practice

    • Acknowledge and address the consequences of one’s own actions

    • Engage in local and global civic activities

5. Demonstrate social, cultural, and global competence, including the ability to:

    • Live and work effectively in a diverse and global society

    • Articulate the value of a diverse and global perspective

    • Recognize diverse economic, political, cultural, and religious opinions and practices

6. Prepare to engage in lifelong learning, including the ability to:

    • Exhibit the skills necessary to acquire, organize, reorganize, and interpret new knowledge

    • Show proficiency in current technologies and the ability to adapt to emerging technologies

    • Recognize and participate in activities that enhance wellness of body, mind, and spirit

    • Formulate a plan of personal goals for continued professional growth

    • Demonstrate intellectual curiosity

7. Work collaboratively, including the ability to:

    • Participate effectively in teams

    • Consider different points of view

    • Work with others to support a shared purpose or goal

See also https://provost.tamu.edu/Provost/media/Assets/pdfs-essentials/Access-Undergrad-Learning-Outcomes.pdf https://catalog.tamu.edu/undergraduate/general-information/student-learning-outcomes/.