Engineering Jodie

Introducing a Journal Club

Jodie uses a "journal club" to help students critically analyze important research in their discipline (including results and methodologies) presented in the literature. She begins by assigning small groups of students to investigate a technical topic, for example, "dialectic spectroscopy." The groups investigate the literature on the topic, locate a journal article that presents relevant issues, and critically analyze the research presented in the article, including the experimental methods and results. Groups share the articles while presenting their findings to the larger class group. Jodie directs discussion to identify the critical aspects of the research process presented in the article, including if research was conducted accurately and reported effectively and where gaps in methodology or results may lead to additional research. Through the presentations, class discussions, and journal reflections, students learn the following:

    1. How research on a topic is conducted

    2. How the research on this topic is presented

    3. What the research shows

    4. Where further investigation is needed

Reflection (through directed discussion and journal entries) about the research and writing process includes two key components:

    1. Comparing assumptions about how the topic under investigation should be addressed through methodology and publication to what students actually find.

    2. Assessing how any gaps discovered through earlier analysis may lead to additional research or changes in their own methodologies.

Through critical analysis and reflection about past research and current publications, students in Jodie's course are better prepared to address the challenges they should expect to face as they investigate new topics, test their ideas, and communicate their findings.