Common Intellectual Experiences

What are common intellectual experiences?

"The older idea of a “core” curriculum has evolved into a variety of modern forms, such as a set of required common courses or a vertically organized general education program that includes advanced integrative studies and/or required participation in a learning community. These programs often combine broad themes—e.g., technology and society, global interdependence—with a variety of curricular and cocurricular options for students" (Definition from AAC&U LEAP, 2008).

What are the characteristics of common intellectual experiences?

The key characteristics of common intellectual experiences include: combining broader themes, linking learning across different courses, and encouraging students to think holistically about several different issues beyond individual class experiences.

Why should reflection be used to facilitate this high-impact practice?

Students will take several courses as part of their undergraduate learning experience. Although courses differ based on course discipline and learning outcomes, the courses may share some common goals to develop students in a holistic way and prepare them to face real life challenges. Students are, therefore, encouraged to think beyond the obvious course learning outcomes. However, having had the experience does not mean that students have learned from it. Integrating reflection activities that will prompt students to identify what they have learned, both explicitly as well as implicitly from their positive and negative course learning experiences, will prepare them for addressing future challenges they will likely face as they advance in their careers.

How can reflection be implemented in this high-impact environment?

  1. Select from the questions below based on the integrative and lifelong learning outcomes and the TAMU student learning outcomes essential to your course or topic, adjusting the questions as needed to the level of students you are teaching.

  2. Choose appropriate reflection activities.

  3. Use the assessment descriptions below as a guideline for evaluating student reflections.

Which reflection prompts will assist with facilitating and assessing this HIP?

Common Intellectual Experience ‎(LL/IL)‎ HIP New