Determine Outcomes Assessment Criteria & Methods

    • How will you define success?

    • What evidence or observable behavior do you want to see?

    • What are the levels of competency for each outcome (benchmark, milestone, capstone)?

    • What resources are available or need to be created

    • What constraints may hinder this activity? For example, will this take more time than I have allotted? Will this require technology that my students may not know?

    • When, where, and how will this activity will be introduced and completed? Will it require several stages?

Case Study from a Technical Communication Course

How will outcomes be observed and assessed?

Students will demonstrate competency by applying what they have learned about the rhetorical context to communication through their written assignments (summative assessments).

Written reflections (formative assessments) should demonstrate understanding of key components of the rhetorical contexts:

    • Define how audience and purpose shapes the message.

    • Explain how constraints of time, resources, context of use, writer’s relationship to readers and users, and other factors influence written communication.

    • Provide examples that support conclusions.

Clear assignment instructions and prompts as well as a rubric used to evaluate reflection will be provided to students.

Students will complete formative reflections that demonstrate knowledge, understanding, application, and analysis in two online journal entries. They will complete a summative reflection in an e-folio entry that demonstrates synthesis and evaluation (i.e., critical thinking and communication general education outcomes).