
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

#define TX 3   //ESP8266 TX接3

#define RX 2  //ESP8266 RX接2

#define SSID " "    //這裡填入你家AP的SSID

#define PASSWORD " "   //這裡填入你家AP的密碼

SoftwareSerial esp8266(TX,RX); 

#define DEBUG true

void setup() {

  Serial.begin(9600); //start hardware serial port

  esp8266.begin(9600); //start soft serial port

  pinMode(13,OUTPUT);  //連線指示燈

  String cmd="AT+CWJAP=\"";






  sendData("AT+RST\r\n",2000,DEBUG); //重啟ESP8266

  sendData("AT+CWMODE=1\r\n",100,DEBUG); // 設定為STA模式

  sendData(cmd,10000,DEBUG); // 取得連線(視AP連線效能作調整,預設7000毫秒)

  sendData("AT+CIFSR\r\n",100,DEBUG); // 獲得IP

  sendData("AT+CIPMUX=1\r\n",100,DEBUG); // 開啟多除連接模式

  sendData("AT+CIPSERVER=1,8080\r\n",100,DEBUG); // 設定連接埠為8080



void loop() {

digitalWrite(13,1);  //當ESP8266 連上AP,自動亮燈 

  if (esp8266.available()) { 

    if (esp8266.find("+IPD,")) {  //收到客戶端的連線要求, 進行回應


      // +IPD, 後的字元是連線 ID (ASCII碼), 用 read() 讀取後減 48 為數字

      int connectionId = esp8266.read()-48;


      char s= esp8266.read();

      String webpage="HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n";

      webpage += "\r\n"; 

      webpage += "X=";

      webpage += s;

      String cipSend = "AT+CIPSEND=";

      cipSend += connectionId;

      cipSend += ",";

      cipSend +=webpage.length();

      cipSend +="\r\n";


      sendData(webpage,10000,DEBUG); //延遲時間800毫秒可以自行調整


      String closeCommand = "AT+CIPCLOSE=";

      closeCommand+=connectionId; // append connection id






String sendData(String command, const int timeout, boolean debug) {

  String response="";

  esp8266.print(command); // send the read character to the esp8266

  long int time=millis();


    while(esp8266.available()) {

      // The esp has data so display its output to the serial window

      char c=esp8266.read(); // read the next character.

      response += c;





    }while ((time+timeout) > millis());

  if (debug) {Serial.print(response);}

  return response;
