Warm Up America Checkerboard Rectangle

Materials: Less than one ounce acrylic worsted yarn (0.91 oz), size H crochet hook or size to obtain gauge, tapestry needle.

Gauge: 27 sts= 7”, one row= ¼”. Finished rectangle is 7” x 9”

Ch 28 to begin. Ch 1 and turn at the end of each row until the last row.

Row 1-Sc in 2nd ch from hook and next 8 ch, Back-to-front sc (bsc) in next 9 ch, sc, sc in last 9 ch. 27 sts.

Row 2-Bsc in 1st 9 sts, sc in next 9 sts, bsc in last 9 sts.

Row 3-Sc in 1st 9 sts, bsc in next 9 sts, sc in last 9 sts.

Rows 4-9-Repeat rows 2-3

Row 10-Repeat row 3

Rows 11-18- Repeat rows 2-3

Rows 19-36- repeat rows 10-18 twice. End off after row 36.

Weave in ends.

Back side of work can be used as right side