Argyle Square

Color chart for graph

Blank is white

x is soft blue

x is peacock blue

o is red

Right Side of Work

Back of work-only diagonal color is visible as floats.

Materials: Caron Simply Soft in White (0.8 oz), Soft Blue (0.7 oz), Ocean (Peacock blue) (0.3 oz.), and Red (0.3 oz), crochet hooks sizes 7 and H.

Gauge: Completed square is 10” x 10”

Adding a color can change the way the square is worked. The soft blue will be carried behind the stitches, while the red, white, and peacock are worked one color over the other.

Working with 3 colors affects the gauge; the stitches are taller so there are only 4 rows of diamonds. The crochet fabric is looser when working with only 2 of the colors. Adding a border and using a smaller hook prevents buckling of the finished project.

The border also simplifies color changes, since the diagonal lines go all the way to the edges, requiring color changes from one row to the next. Without the border, you would even need to change colors on the foundation chain.

Begin with soft blue and 7 hook, ch 46

Row 1-Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in next 44 sts, ch 1 turn. 45 sc

Row 2-Bsc in each st across, ch 1 turn.

Row 3-Sc in 1st 2 sts, [work next st with 1st lp in soft blue and 2nd lp in white, drop blue, sc in next 6 sts, work next st with 1st lp in white and 2nd lp in blue, picking up blue and allowing enough slack for the work to lay flat]5x, work last 3 sts in blue, ch 1, turn. Change to size H hook and follow the chart for color changes. Work odd numbered rows in sc and even numbered rows in bsc for basic front-and-back sc. At row 35, change back to size 7 hook to complete last 3 rows.

Note on color choices for argyle pattern: The diagonal lines are more prominent with basic front-and-back sc than with knitting. For best results, choose a color for the diagonal lines that blends with the background color. Otherwise the lines can overpower the pattern: