DC Motif and a Half

Hexagon-Full Motif

Since the motif is worked in the round and not turned, the instructions for the full motif contain only traditional crochet stitches.

Materials: Caron Simply Soft 3 oz. Soft Blue, Size H crochet hook or size needed to obtain gauge.

Gauge: Diameter = 5”

Ch 5 to begin

Round 1-DC in 5th ch from hook. The remaining ch-4 on this rnd and at the beginning of every round counts as a dc + ch-1. In same ch, work [dc, ch 1] 5x. Join with sl st to 3rd ch of ch-4 at beg of rnd, sl st into 1st sp. 12 sts.

Round 2-Ch 4, dc in same sp. [Dc in next dc. In next ch-1 sp work (dc, ch 1, dc)]5x, dc in join at top of ch-3 of previous rnd, join with sl st to 3rd ch of ch-4 at beg of this rnd, sl st into 1st sp. 24 sts.

Round 3- Ch 4, dc in same sp. [Dc in next 3 dc. In next ch-1 sp work (dc, ch 1, dc)]5x, dc in next 2 dc and in join at top of ch-3 of previous rnd, join with sl st to 3rd ch of ch-4 at beg of this rnd, sl st into 1st sp. 36 sts.

Round 4- Ch 4, dc in same sp. [Dc in next 5 dc. In next ch-1 sp work (dc, ch 1, dc)]5x, dc in next 4 dc and in join at top of ch-3 of previous rnd, join with sl st to 3rd ch of ch-4 at beg of this rnd, sl st into 1st sp. 48 sts.

Round 5- Ch 4, dc in same sp. {Dc in next 7 dc. In next ch-1 sp work (dc, ch 1, dc)]5x, dc in next 6 dc and in join at top of ch-3 of previous rnd, join with sl st to 3rd ch of ch-4 at beg of this rnd, sl st into 1st sp, end off with a 12” tail to sew motifs together. 60 sts.

Hexagon-Half Motif with Bdc

Ch 5 to begin

Row 1-Dc in 5th ch from hook. The remaining ch-4 on this rnd and at the beginning of every round counts as a dc + ch-1. In same ch, work (ch 1, dc)3x, turn. 9 sts

Row 2 (WS)- Sl st into first sp, (sl st is always done front-to back) Ch 4, bdc in same sp, [bdc in next dc. In next ch-1 sp work (dc, ch 1, dc)]3x, turn. 15 sts

Row 3- Sl st into first sp. Ch 4, dc in same sp. [Dc in next 3 dc. In next ch-1 sp work (dc, ch 1, dc)]3x, turn. 21 sts

Row 4- Sl st into first sp. Ch 4, bdc in same sp. [Bdc in next 5 dc. In next ch-1 sp work (dc, ch 1, dc)]3x, turn. 27 sts.

Row 5- Sl st into first st. Ch 4, dc in same sp. [Dc in next 7 dc. In next ch-1 sp work (dc, ch 1, dc)]3x, turn. End off with a 12” tail to sew motifs together. 33 sts.

Assembly-Overcast motifs together in positions shown. Hold motifs with WS’s together and overcast over inner lps. Tie off and weave in all ends.

The half motif on the left was worked in traditional crochet stitches. The half-motif on the right has bdc's in rows 2 and 4.