About this site

About Me

I have been crocheting for almost 50 years. I am a member of the Long Island Crochet Guild and the Crochet Partners group on Yahoo. Com. Visit my web page on www.Ravelry.com, where I am HazelinNY. I am a left-handed crocheter. Wherever possible, the photographs appear to have been worked right-handed.

Most of my designs are 10" squares, because my guild makes afghans out of squares of this size.


My husband Charles Furst (1950-2008) completed only one crochet stitch in his entire life; it was a bsc.

He enjoyed watching me crochet and one day he asked to try it. When I handed him my work and instructed him to insert the hook and draw up a loop, he inserted the hook back-to-front (Not surprising since he was right handed and I am left-handed). I was amazed that it "worked", and I made a small swatch of basic back-to-front sc, which I put aside.

Years later, I saw a knitted pattern by the very talented Nina Isaacson, and I was inspired to try to copy it in basic back-to-front sc. That led me to the patterns in this book. You can see my crocheted version of Nina's Northern Critter Cap at www.Ravelry.com. (There is no photograph of the project here because her design is copyrighted.)