Basketweave Blanket
Follow the graphs as in the Textured sc tutorial. Additional symbol "c" is chain 1, sk 1 stitch.
The blanket is worked in one piece, but is too large to graph in one piece. The image above is a guide for instructions for each section.
Right side of blanket
Reverse side of blanket
Materials: Caron Simply Soft 23 oz. Soft Green, Size H hook.
Blanket is approximately 31” x 38”
Ch 130
Row 1-Using graph A (section 1), sc in 2nd ch from hook and in next 4 ch, [bsc in next 5 ch, sc in next 5 ch]2x, ch 1, sk next ch, go to graph B (section 2) and sc in next 25 ch per graph, Ch 1, sk next ch, and go back to graph A (section 3): sc in 1st 5 ch, [bsc in next 5 ch, sc in next 5 st]2x, ch 1, sk next ch, go back to graph B (section 4) and sc in next 25 ch, ch 1, sk next ch. Finish with graph C (section 5): sc in 1st 5 ch, [bsc in next 5 ch, sc in next 5 ch]2x, ch 1, turn. 129 sts
Row 2-Follow graphs C,B,A,B,A for stitches, working from section 5 to section 1.
Row 3-Follow graph A,B,A,B,C for stitches, working from section 1 to section 5.
Rows 4-26-repeat directions for rows 2-3
Row 27-Follow graphs B,A,B,A,D for sections 6-10
Row 28-Follow graphs D,A,B,A,B for sections 10-6
Rows 29-52-repeat directions for rows 27-28.
Row 53-repeat row 3
Rows 54-104-repeat rows 2-52.
Rows 105-156-Repeat rows 53-104.
Rows 157-181-repeat rows 53-103. End off.
Close-up of blanket corner