Latin American Geometria Algebraica Real y TrOpical Seminar
Bi-weekly on Fridays from 11a-12p Buenos Aires or Rio time/9a-10a Bogotá time on Zoom.
Organizers: Alicia Dickenstein (AR); Ethan Cotterill (BR); Johannes Rau (CO); Fuensanta Aroca and Cristhian Garay López (MX).
Everyone is most welcome. Please write to one of the organizers if you'd like to join our mailing list in order to receive login details.
Calendar (in progress):
24.04.2020: Cristhian Garay López (CIMAT, Guanajuato), "Matroids and homological classes of torus-invariant subvarieties of Grassmannians". Slides
08.05.2020: Ethan Cotterill (UFF, Niterói), "Rational curves with hyperelliptic singularities". Abstract Slides
22.05.2020: Marco Pacini (UFF, Niterói), "A universal tropical Jacobian over the moduli space of tropical curves". Abstract Slides
05.06.2020: Johannes Rau (Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá), "The dimension of an amoeba". Abstract Slides Video
19.06.2020: Graham Denham (UWO, London), "The Lagrangian geometry of matroids". Abstract Slides Video
26.06.2020: Thomas Blomme (ENS and UPMC, Paris), "Refined invariants in classical and tropical geometry". Abstract Slides Video
10.07.2020: Yoav Len (St Andrews, UK), "Brill--Noether theory of Prym varieties". Abstract Slides Video
24.07.2020: Eugenii Shustin (Tel Aviv University), "Expressive curves". Abstract Slides Video
07.08.2020: Oliver Lorscheid (Impa, Rio de Janeiro), "Towards a cohomological understanding of the tropical Riemann--Roch theorem". Abstract Slides Video
21.08.2020: Sally Andria (UFF, Niterói), "Abel maps for nodal curves via tropical geometry". Abstract Slides Video
04.09.2020: Xiang He (Hebrew U., Jerusalem), "A tropical approach to the Severi problem". Abstract Slides Video
18.09.2020 Felipe Rincón (Queen Mary, London), "Tropical ideals". Abstract Slides Video
02.10.2020 Bernd Sturmfels (MPI Leipzig), "Theta surfaces". Abstract Slides Video
16.10.2020 Jeff Giansiracusa (U. Swansea), "A general theory of tropical differential equations". Abstract Slides Video
30.10.2020 Fuensanta Aroca (UNAM, Cuernavaca), "Tropical geometry in arbitrary rank". Abstract Video
13.11.2020 Hannah Markwig (U. Tübingen), "Counting bitangents of plane quartics - tropical, real and arithmetic". Abstract Video Slides
4.12.2020 Georg Loho (U. Kassel), "Oriented matroids from triangulations of products of simplices". Abstract Video Slides
11.12.2020 Claudia Yun (Brown U., Providence), "The S_n-equivariant rational homology of the tropical moduli spaces \Delta_{2,n}". Abstract Slides Video
15.1.2021 Omid Amini (Ecole Polytechnique, Paris), "The tropical Hodge conjecture". Abstract Slides Video
29.1.2021 Kristin Shaw (U. Oslo), "Real phase structures on tropical varieties". Abstract Video Slides
12.2.2021 Erwan Brugallé (U. Nantes), "Polynomial properties of tropical refined invariants". Note: Erwan's talk will be held one hour later than usual. Abstract Slides
26.2.2021 Lucía Lopez de Medrano (UNAM, Cuernavaca), "Topology of tropical varieties". Abstract Slides
19.3.2021 Alicia Dickenstein (U. Buenos Aires), "Optimal Descartes rule of signs for polynomial systems supported on circuits". Abstract Slides Video
26.3.2021 Margarida Melo (Roma Tre), "On the top weight cohomology of the moduli space of abelian varieties". Abstract Video Slides
9.4.2021 Alex Esterov (HSE, Moscow), "Tropical characteristic classes". Abstract Video Slides
23.4.2021 Alex Fink (Queen Mary, London), "Tropical ideals of projective hypersurfaces". Abstract Video Slides
7.5.2021 Lionel Lang (Gävle U.), "Patchworking the Log-critical locus of planar curves". Abstract Video Slides
21.5.2021 Matilde Manzaroli (U. Tübingen), "Real fibered morphisms of real del Pezzo surfaces". Abstract Video Slides
4.6.2021 Enrica Mazzon (MPI-Bonn), "Tropical affine manifolds in mirror symmetry and Berkovich geometry". Abstract Video Slides
18.6.2021 Dhruv Ranganathan (U. Cambridge), "Piecewise polynomials and the moduli space of curves". Abstract Slides Video
2.7.2021 Jan Draisma (U. Bern and TU Eindhoven), "The geometry of GL-varieties". Abstract Video Slides
16.7.2021 Matt Baker (Georgia Tech), "Lift theorems for representations of matroids over pastures". Abstract Video Slides
10.9.2021 Laura Escobar (Washington U., St Louis), "Wall-crossing phenomenon for Newton--Okounkov bodies". Abstract Video Slides
24.9.2021 Ilya Tyomkin (Ben-Gurion U.), "Tropicalization of families of curves and applications". Abstract Video Slides
8.10.2021 Farbod Shokrieh (U. Washington), "Heights of abelian varieties, and tropical geometry". Abstract Slides
22.10.2021 Alfredo Najera (UNAM, Oaxaca), "Cluster algebras, deformation theory, and beyond". Abstract Video Slides
5.11.2021 Eric Katz (Ohio State U.), "Iterated p-adic integration on semistable curves". Abstract Video Slides
19.11.2021 Mounir Nisse (Xiamen U. Malaysia), "On the topology of phase tropical varieties and beyond". Abstract Video Slides
3.12.2021 Anh Thi Ngoc Nguyen (U. Nantes), "Complex and real enumerative geometry in three-dimensional del Pezzo varieties". Abstract Video Slides
17.12.2021 The day's talk has been postponed until 2022.
14.1.2022 Mattias Jonsson (U. Michigan), "Potential theory in non-Archimedean geometry". Abstract Video
28.1.2022 Frank Sottile (Texas A & M), "The phase limit set of linear spaces and discriminants". Abstract Video
11.2.2022 Boulos El Hilany (TU Braunschweig), "The tropical discriminant of a polynomial map on the plane". Abstract Slides Video
25.2.2022 Maria Angélica Cueto (Ohio State U.), "Splice type singularities and their local tropicalizations". Abstract Video Slides
11.3.2022 Farhad Babaee (U. Bristol), "Dynamical tropicalisation". Abstract Video Slides
25.3.2022 Edvard Aksnes (U. Oslo), "Tropical Poincaré duality spaces". Abstract Slides Video
8.4.2022 Cédric Le Texier (U. Toulouse), "Hyperbolic plane curves near the non-singular tropical limit". Abstract Video Slides
22.4.2022 Mario Kummer (TU Dresden), "A signed count of 2-torsion points on real abelian varieties". Abstract Video Slides
6.5.2022 Ilia Itenberg (UPMC, Paris), "Planes in cubic fourfolds". Abstract Slides
20.5.2022 Paul Alexander Helminck (Durham U.), "Generic root counts and flatness in tropical geometry". Abstract Video (Passcode: 55=V$cpd) Slides
3.6.2022 Andrés Jaramillo-Puentes (U. Duisburg-Essen), "Enriched tropical intersection". Abstract
17.6.2022 Alex Abreu (UFF, Niterói), "On moduli spaces of roots in algebraic and tropical geometry". Abstract Video Slides
26.8.2022 Saugata Basu (Purdue U.), "Topology of symmetric semi-algebraic sets". Abstract Slides Video (Passcode: 5N$!5ud&)
9.9.2022 Christopher Manon (U. Kentucky), "Toric vector bundles and tropical geometry". Abstract Slides Video (Passcode: $X4t4BYX)
23.9.2022 Jeffrey Hicks (U. Edinburgh), "Realizability criteria in tropical geometry from symplectic geometry". Abstract Slides Video (Passcode: U#7^WStm)
7.10.2022 Wilson Zuniga-Galindo (U. Texas Rio Grande Valley), "Graphs, local zeta functions, log-Coulomb gases, and phase transitions at finite temperature". Abstract Slides Video (Passcode: @UtG^73c)
18.11.2022 Léonard Pille-Schneider (École Polytechnique), "The non-Archimedean Monge-Ampère operator". Abstract Video (Passcode: C#i#wT4E) Slides
2.12.2022 Johannes Nicaise (Imperial College/KU Leuven), "Tropical degenerations and irrationality of hypersurfaces in products of projective spaces". Abstract Video Slides
13.1.2023 Stephen McKean (Harvard U.), "Circles of Apollonius two ways". Abstract Video (Passcode: $M3bkBG0) Slides
27.1.2023 Joe Rabinoff (Duke U.), "Weakly smooth forms and Dolbeault cohomology of curves". Abstract Video (Passcode: y@ip6?SX) Slides
10.2.2023 Andreas Gross (U. Frankfurt), "Vector bundles in tropical geometry". Abstract Video (Passcode: a+7mN6$1) Slides
10.3.2023 Alex Degtyarev (Bilkent U.), "Singular real plane sextic curves without real points". Abstract Video (Passcode: qW26*9Hz)
24.3.2023 Claudia Fevola (MPI Leipzig), "KP solutions from tropical limits". Abstract Video (Passcode: W5^7rf@Z) Slides
21.4.2023 Stefano Mereta (MPI Leipzig), "The Fundamental theorem of tropical differential algebra over nontrivially valued fields". Abstract Video (Passcode: 2u%L?DHS) Slides
5.5.2023 Sarah Eggleston (U. Osnabrück), "The amoeba dimension of a linear space". Abstract Video (Passcode: ^986anN3) Slides
19.5.2023 Alejandro Vargas (U. Frankfurt), "Valuated matroids, tropicalized linear spaces and the affine building of PGL_{r+1}(K)". Abstract Video (Passcode: &m7ev1&j) Slides
2.6.2023 Cristhian Garay López (CIMAT), "Infinite matroids in tropical differential algebra". Abstract Video (Passcode: 5JX#gC6R) Slides
22.9.2023 Raluca Vlad (Brown U.), "Positive geometries and wonderful compactifications". Abstract Video (Passcode: Md3NY1+@)
3.11.2023 Pablo Cubides Kovascics (U. de los Andes), "t^2-stratifications". Abstract Video (Passcode: Jun8s$91)
28.6.2024 Felipe Espreafico (Impa/Paris VI), "Lines on hypersurfaces beyond real and complex counts". Abstract Video (Passcode: yvX1875!)