
Press Release October 2022



Recognising the best in Cornish architecture

Every year the Cornish Buildings Group presents awards for the best in good design in Cornwall, as illustrated through new projects and the conservation of historic buildings.

In 2020 the Cornish Buildings Group (CBG) and the Cornwall and West Devon Mining Landscape World Heritage Site commened an awards partnership with the aim to grant special awards to highlight excellence in new buildings or restorations that have enhanced the World Heritage Site.

Patrick Newberry, Chairman of the Cornish Buildings Group, said:

“Once again, a stunning set of new buildings and restorations has been submitted for the annual Cornish Buildings and World Heritage Site Awards, both new buildings and restorations of historic buildings. It is incredibly heartening that so much good design and conservation work has been carried out, notwithstanding the difficulties caused by the global pandemic. Cornwall should feel very proud of the quality of new design and conservation work that is being carried out within its borders.”

The CBG has continued to partner with the Cornwall and West Devon Mining World Heritage Site to give additional special awards to new buildings or restorations that have enhanced the World Heritage Site (WHS). The World Heritage Site is concerned with conserving the Outstanding Universal Value (international importance) of the Site, which dates principally from 1700 to 1914 as the period during which the most significant industrial and social impacts occurred. The ten separate Areas of the World Heritage Site together form a unified, coherent cultural landscape and share a common identity as part of the overall exploitation of metalliferous minerals here from the eighteenth to twentieth centuries.

After much deliberation, Award winners for 2022 have been chosen and Dave Crabtree, Chairman of the World Heritage Site Partnership Board, said:

“The World Heritage Site are delighted to continue our partnership with the Cornish Buildings Group and the presentation of our World Heritage Site Awards. Both organisations have a shared goal in encouraging sustainable, heritage-led regeneration, both through conservation of historic buildings and the development of high quality, energy-efficient new structures that demonstrate how they take inspiration from our internationally important historic mining landscapes. We are grateful to the Cornish Buildings Group panel for undertaking the final assessment on the World Heritage Site shortlist last year, as this ensured total objectivity. The recipients of our World Heritage Site Awards have set an example for others to follow, and we congratulate them for their sensitive response to the special character of their World Heritage Site locations.”

Regarding the World Heritage Site, Patrick Newberry said:

“Working with the World Heritage Site, which does so much to preserve our mining heritage and to promote heritage-led regeneration is a great privilege, hugely reinforcing the Cornish Buildings Group’s work to encourage the preservation of Cornwall’s built heritage and to promote good new design in the built environment. Highlighting the best work in these fields is key to encouraging the sustainable development and management of our built environment.”

For more details on our Awards scheme and to see this and previous year's winners go to:

The Cornish Buildings Group Awards Scheme is Cornwall’s most prestigious architectural prize celebrating excellence in areas of architectural design and applied conservation and restoration work. Every year the Council of the Cornish Buildings Group considers a broad range of project types ranging from housing estates to bus shelters, informed historic conservation to radical modern design, and independent craft skills to small and large-scale repairs and renovations.

Our judges offer wide ranging experience in many aspects of Cornish architecture and architectural practice including conservation, design, environment, heritage, planning and research. When judging we evaluate the quality of design and/or conservation philosophy, assess the suitability of materials, appropriateness of the solution to context and the overall impact of the building.

We value entries that build on Cornish precedent or take such precedents forward in a courageous and aesthetically pleasing manner. This lively and vigorous process ensures that the Cornish Buildings Group award scheme maintains its position as a true mark of excellence.

These citations reflect our conclusions, commending some excellent work, while on others constructively offering thoughts on what might have been done differently.



Treras, Nance, St Ives – Designed by Matt Robinson for Mr & Mrs Morrison

The Cornish Buildings Group are delighted to be presenting this year’s main award to Treras, designed by Matt Robinson for Sally & Perry Morrison.

Environmental sustainability is rightly and importantly becoming an increasingly vital part of both new building design and refurbishment projects. It is also an important element of the Cornish Building Group’s judging criteria.

Treras started life as a mono-pitched agricultural shed and has been transformed, as described by the building’s architect Matt Robinson, into a ‘zero carbon Earthship’. Retaining as much of the original structure as possible – including all the granite stone walls – the building also requires no ‘imported’ energy to run. The houses possess its own bore hole for water and is heated by either an electric Aga or a Silicon Carbide woodburner. A huge south facing roof means that an array of solar panels and batteries provide the energy, the house has a composting WC and all additional materials were sourced locally and sustainably.

The judges were impressed not only with the building’s environmental credentials, but also the attention to detail – which ranged from the handcrafted window cills to the carved, curved granite quoins.


Rosemundy, St Agnes – Railings and gate by JW Engineering for Mr & Mrs J Boyden

The Jenny Gason Award recognises high quality restorations of smaller historic buildings and structures as well as historic detailing and craftsmanship in Cornwall. This year’s winning entry has not only restored railings of great beauty back to an historic house but has also significantly improved the setting of the house.

The new railings and gate to the front of Rosemundy have been painstakingly created using a historic postcard showing the original design and surviving castings found on site from which it was possible to establish the size and weight of the ironwork.

The finished product has not only enhanced the garden front of Rosemundy but a prominent corner of St Agnes


St AUSTELL MARKET HALL – Scott & Co, Cathedral Builders and Wheal Netherton for St Austell Market Hall CIC

St Austell Market Hall has been at the centre of town life since 1844 and is often described as the ‘architectural jewell in the crown’ of St Austell. The CIC is undertaking a comprehensive restoration of the building, repairing and upgrading it, giving greater access and enabling new uses.

The first phase of the project, which this Commendation covers, is the restoration of the frontage of the building, providing new windows, removing internal partitions and false ceilings to restore the incredible vaulted ceiling and doric columns and providing a community café.

The judges were keen to support this big step towards the longer term aspiration of full refurbishment and restoration of the whole Market Hall.

PENTIREGLAZE, ST MINVER – Stride Treglown for The National Trust

The idea behind this project was to find imaginative new uses for an historic farm group which changing farming methods have made redundant. The project was not just to repair the simple, authentic and unspoiled character of the Pentireglaze farmbuildings but to create facilities for the benefit of everyone – including parking, WCs, changing places and covered areas, all with level access, to encourage maximum use.

The judges were particularly impressed with the use of natural, local materials and the focus on inclusivity – enabling access to a spectacular part of Cornwall’s coastline in a sustainable and welcoming way.

AQUA CLUB, NEWQUAY – Lily Lewarne for The Headland Hotel

The Aqua Club at The Headland Hotel is the third phase of a seven phase programme of development and evolution for the hotel. The brief was to create a high quality leisure pool destination that respected its sensitive location and the setting of the adjacent listed hotel building.

The building was deisgned to create moments to ‘stop and look’ to best show off the facilities and the building’s breathtaking cliff top setting.

The judges were impressed with how the building takes full advantage of the spectacular views whilst respectfully and comfortably sitting within its context. The creative use of materials results in an exciting and high quality modern facility to complement the adjoining historic hotel.

MEDICAL CENTRE, ST ERME – D3 Architects for The St Erme Medical

By the early 1990s Egloserme Farm had fallen into considerable dilapidation. Since purchase by the current owners, the main farmhouse had been fully restored and now it was the turn of the adjacent barn – converting it into a state of the art medical facility.

The barn has been carefully restored, including fine re-pointing with lime mortar and the retention of original features where possible. It has a new slate roof with reclaimed ridge tiles built on tradiational timber tresses. New bespoke external timber windows and doors have been made by a local joinery workshop.

The judges were particularly impressed by the creative way such a specialist use has been carefully inserted into a building of such character in a thoughtful, sensitive and high-quality manner.



TAVISTOCK GUILDHALL (Tavistock) – Gillespie Yunnie Architects for Tavistock Town Council and Tavistock Heritage Trust

Tavistock Guildhall was bought by Tavistock Town Council in 2014 to rescue it from decline and to bring it back into public use. This award celebrates the completion of a £1.9m project to conserve, repair and convert the Guildhall to bring it back into active use.

The work carried out on behalf of Tavistock Town Council and Tavistock Heritage Trust has been light-touch and conservation-driven, and the judges were impressed by the creative way that the many ‘moments’ and uses of the building throughout its history have been authentically incorporated into the interpretation of the building, whilst widely respecting its historic fabric.

The Guildhall is an attribute of Outstanding Universal Value (international importance) within the World Heritage Site and its careful restoration represents a considerable achievement. The quality of the building work is impressive and the Guildhall has recently been designated as the third World Heritage Site Key Centre for visitor information and interpretation.


1 & 2 CHI TARDER KARREK (THE SHOWROOM BUILDING AT THE HOLMAN NO.3 ROCK DRILL WORKS) (Camborne) – Trewin Design Architects for Coastline Housing Ltd.

This project involves the conversion of the former Holmans No.3 Rock Drill Works Showroom Building into two level access self-contained flats which provide supported accommodation for vulnerable local people. The completion of this conversion also marks the conclusion of the re-purposing for affordable homes at the world renowned former Holmans Foundry.

Working with Cornwall Council, Coastline Housing ensured that original external features and the distinctive signage lettering were retained and restored where necessary.

The showroom building along with the other historic features of the No.3 Works are attributes of Outstanding Universal Value (international importance) within the World Heritage Site and the preservation of this landmark industrial building is very much to be celebrated.

Press Release March 2021



Every year the Cornish Buildings Group presents awards for the best in good design and the cream of recently completed or renovated buildings in the county. Patrick Newberry, Chairman of the Group, said “Despite all the complications of the pandemic, the Cornish Building’s Group has managed to complete the judging of its annual Buildings Award Scheme and is delighted to announce the results. For 50 years we have been fighting for better design and conservation of the built heritage in Cornwall. Our Awards are a big part of that battle - encouraging architects and builders to create great buildings worthy of Cornwall’s amazing landscape. We were not going to let the pandemic stop us.”

Patrick Newberry added “The uncertainty caused by the pandemic did not deter entrants from submitting some excellent new buildings and restorations for the Awards – all were of a very high standard. Yet again our Awards scheme has shown that good architecture and design is flourishing in Cornwall.”

This year the CBG has partnered with the Cornwall and West Devon Mining World Heritage

Site to give additional special awards to new buildings or restorations that have enhanced the WHS. The WHS is concerned with conserving the outstanding universal value of the Cornwall and west Devon mining landscape dating principally from 1700 to 1914, the period during which the most significant industrial and social impacts occurred. The ten areas of the WHS together form a unified, coherent cultural landscape and share a common identity as part of the overall exploitation of metalliferous minerals here from the eighteenth to twentieth centuries.

Julian German, Chairman of the World Heritage Site Partnership Board said:

‘The World Heritage Site are delighted to partner with the Cornish Buildings Group in the creation of two new Awards. Both organisations have a shared goal in encouraging sustainable, heritage-led regeneration, both through conservation of historic buildings or the development of high quality, energy efficient new structures that demonstrate how they take inspiration from the our internationally important historic mining landscapes. We are grateful to the CBG panel for undertaking the final assessment on the WHS shortlist, as this ensured total objectivity. The recipients of our first WHS Awards have both set an example for others to follow, and we congratulate them for their sensitive response to the special character of their WHS locations.’

The CBG is also delighted to announce another new award, the Jenny Gason Award for the best restoration of a small building. Jenny was a much-valued member and secretary of the Group for many years. She contributed in so many ways to the life and success of the Group, including bringing a discerning eye and impeccable taste to the Annual Awards judging. It is a great pleasure for the CBG to be able to perpetuate Jenny’s memory by making this new annual award, kindly funded by the Gason family.

An exhibition of winning entries will tour Cornwall throughout the year.

Applications are being accepted for next year’s awards from Monday 8th March . For more details on our Awards scheme and to see this year's, previous year's winners and to submit go to

The Cornish Buildings Group Awards Scheme is Cornwall’s most prestigious architectural prize celebrating excellence in areas of architectural design and applied conservation and restoration work. Every year the Council of the Cornish Buildings Group considers a broad range of project types ranging from housing estates to bus shelters; informed historic conservation to radical modern design and independent craft skills to small and large-scale repairs and renovations.

Our judges offer wide ranging experience in many aspects of Cornish architecture and architectural practice including conservation, design, environment, heritage, planning and research. When judging we evaluate the quality of design and/or conservation philosophy, assess the suitability of materials, appropriateness of the solution to context and the overall impact of the building.

We value entries that build on Cornish precedent or take such precedents forward in a courageous and aesthetically pleasing manner. This lively and vigorous process ensures that the Cornish Buildings Group award scheme maintains its position as a true mark of excellence.

These citations reflect our conclusions, commending some excellent work, while on others constructively offering thoughts on what might have been done differently.

2020's Award Winners are:


Kresen Kernow (Purcell for Cornwall Council)

Kresen Kernow is a remarkable project which transformed the derelict and fire damaged former Redruth Brewery into a state of the art archive and local studies centre for Cornwall. The building cleverly integrates the surviving historic fabric of the old brewery with new additions and interventions to form elegant and well-planned public space, secure archive storage, library, study areas and offices. The judges were especially impressed by the attention given to the detailing of the interiors and thought that the way in which the layout mixes up working spaces and public exhibition space works particularly well to connect users of the new facility with the conservation and archival work going on at Kresen Kernow. The building is an outstanding example of how to re-purpose a derelict historic building to create a stunning new public facility whilst also stimulating the regeneration of a historic mining town. It will quickly become one of Cornwall’s most iconic buildings.

Kresen Kernow is also the first winner of the newly inaugurated Cornwall and West Devon Mining WHS Award in recognition of its contribution to enhancing the Outstanding Universal Value of the WHS. The Brewery was an important part of the commercial landscape and economy of Redruth during the mining era. As a service industry supporting the mining community and as part of the eco-system of the mining era, in which mining entrepreneurs invested, it was an important part of the historic landscape. The re-purposing of the brewery provides a sustainable future for an important building, using appropriate traditional and contemporary materials, and following good conservation principles as well as attaining high energy efficiency.

The redevelopment has set a very high standard and, in so doing, new expectations for the quality of development on this site. Whilst not being a feature of Outstanding Universal Value in its own right, Kresen Kernow is likely to have a positive impact on future projects within the wider development site that are attributes of OUV.


Waterhouse, St Minver (ARCO2 for Mr and Mrs Jones)

This dramatic new house sits on an elevated site overlooking the upper reaches of the Camel Estuary. It has been designed with the aim of capitalising on the stunning views of the Estuary that the site affords, whilst not imposing itself aggressively within the landscape. These competing challenges have been balanced well. The main living areas of the house provide very good vantage points from which to see the view through enormous windows but the dark materials and recessive design of the Estuary facing front, combined with the house’s very low profile and alignment with a pre-existing hedge mean that the house is not at all prominent when viewed across the river. The house has been built to Passivhaus principles and deploys other high environmental techniques, including the use of ground source heat pumps and wildflower roofs.

The layout of the house is well composed, with bedrooms arranged along the back of the house, serviced by a top lit corridor which doubles as a picture gallery. An archway through the main form signals the main entrance of the house and affords access for vehicles to a rear courtyard which means that parked cars do not interrupt the stunning views from the main front of the house. Overall the judges thought that Waterhouse is a fine addition to Cornwall’s built environment which will be well regarded for many years to come.


Polgreen Manor, St Mawgan (CSA Architects)

Extending a large old house and making it suitable for modern living patterns is a considerable challenge which has been well met by CSA Architects at Polgreen Manor. The old farmhouse, in an enchanting sequestered valley, inland from Mawgan Porth, has been carefully restored and extended by two finely crafted ranges containing kitchen, other service rooms and principal living rooms. The new additions group well with the old farmhouse creating what, at first sight, appears to be a historic farm complex, but which, on closer examination, reads clearly as an old house with significant modern extensions. The extensive layout has been carefully orchestrated so that the individual elements inter relate well, creating a coherent, sizable house and defining well-considered landscape spaces. The standard of design and craftsmanship is consistently high throughout the old and new parts of the house, with considerable attention to detail.

The Old Grammar School, Camelford (Stephen Fisher and CAD Architects)

The Old Grammar School at Camelford is a handsome late nineteenth century school building sited above the town with commanding views over the valley of the historic ford. The building was poorly extended over the years, particularly after its conversion to Council Offices in the early 1960s, when it suffered the worst of municipal maltreatment. Following the closure of the Council Offices in 2013, the building was neglected and allowed to decay. Stephen Fisher and CAD Architects removed the detritus of poor-quality extensions and converted the original school building into a series of attractive individual houses. Six new homes were also built in the grounds of the Old School. The new work and restoration were carried out to a high standard resulting in a series of thoughtful, well designed houses all deserving of a Commendation. What particularly distinguished this entry, however, was the fine design of the public realm. The layout of the site is intelligent, creating a series of welcoming spaces which encourage and facilitate a warm sense of community. This Is certainly not a ‘gated community’ and the whole development is a model of how to create a small, but civilised, new neighbourhood for the modern world, without segregating the development from wider society and the locale.


Medda (Andrew Golay and Hormann Architects for Anna Wilson)

Replacing an uninspiring 1960s bungalow in a street running alongside the fine Plain-an-Gwarry Chapel designed by Redruth architect James Hicks, this compact development of three starter homes was considered by the WHS judges to be a significant improvement to the setting of the Chapel and an interesting example of how good quality low cost housing can be built in the World Heritage Site whilst respecting the Outstanding Universal Value. The new building now makes a more confident contribution to the townscape, with increased height and now linking the two streets on this corner site. The subtle curve which links the two facades was an appropriate idea and lifts the design. The judges had reservations about some details, such as the constructional quality of stonework and some were disappointed by the absence of visible lintels, however, in the round it was thought that this building has several lessons for how sensitive additions to the built environment can be made in the WHS whilst intensifying the use of existing brownfield sites.


Fradds Meadow (Ian Whitehouse)

The judges were delighted to give the inaugural Jenny Gason Award to this remarkable restoration of a historic cob wall in St Tudy. Using traditional cob techniques, the wall has been restored to its original profile and coated in traditional lime render. The work is of an exemplary quality and makes a wonderful contribution to the historic streetscape in St Tudy. Provision for bees has also been made with the insertion of bee bricks in the walls. If only equivalent care was taken of every boundary wall or fence in Cornwall!

Press Release July 2018

Cornish Buildings Group Celebrate the Best in Cornish Architecture

Every year the Cornish Buildings Group present awards for the best in good design and the cream of recently completed or renovated buildings in the county.

Paul Holden, Chairman of the Group, said 'Our Awards are considered the 'Oscars' of building awards in Cornwall. They are respected and desirable recognitions of achievement and as such we receive a high number of entries from private individuals and architectural practices'.

This year was a particularly difficult for the judges as the quality of entry was so high.

Patrick Newberry, Awards Administrator' said 'we value entries that build on the Cornish precedent or take such precedents forward in a brave, courageous and aesthetically pleasing manner. This year has been a great advertisement for what Cornwall can offer ̶ great buildings in stunning locations.'

The Awards were presented last Thursday evening at Lanhydrock House near Bodmin.

Mr Holden added 'As always our Awards scheme has proven to recognise the best in good design and conservation practice. This county is lucky to have a rich tradition of exciting built heritage so it is very reassuring that the tradition of sympathetic yet bold architecture continues.

An exhibition of winning entries will tour libraries around Cornwall throughout the year.

For more details on our Awards scheme and to see this year's and previous year's winners go to the awards pages.

(Below) 2018 main award winner

Dry Creek House, Polzeath (Matt Williams for John and Maxine Fack)

Making the most of an awkward, steeply sloping, site, Dry Creek House is made up of two canted wings, one running along the hillside, whilst the other dramatically cantilevers out from the hill. The main accommodation is on the top floor which not only maximises the views towards the beach at Polzeath, but also takes full advantage of adjoining wooded valley which can be viewed from the extensive balconies.

The overall design aesthetic is wonderfully simple, the upper storey being clad in timber and the ground floor in stone. The judges liked elements of the detailing, particularly the clever use of framing within the timber cladding to reduce excessive horizontality. On the entrance front, a colonnade with an angled rear wall cleverly guides the visitor along the back of the house to the main entrance. Inside, good use of polished concrete and timber creates a pleasant ambience and does not detract from the stunning views. The house has a strong design presence, but does not impose itself on its surroundings nor is it overly intrusive, a design much in accordance with the Cornish Buildings Group guidance on coastal development.

July 2017

Welcome to Dilapidated Cornwall

The Cornish Buildings Group are calling for action to reduce the number of buildings at risk in the county. There are many historic buildings in towns and villages throughout Cornwall that have been neglected for many years. Irresponsible owners top the list of causes as to why these nationally important structures have been left to decay, sometimes for well over a decade. The grade 2* listed former Wesleyan Charlestown chapel, sited in a conservation area, is a major concern for the Group. Chairman Paul Holden said ‘This wonderful chapel has been derelict for over a decade and remains an eyesore on the entrance to this popular tourist destination. The 1840 chapel has long been on the Historic England Buildings at Risk Register but it is now obvious that water is now getting into the structure and is no doubt causing irrepairable damage to the historic interiors, possibly even total loss’.

Other buildings identified by the Cornish Buildings Group as being in severe difficulties are Redruth Old Fire Station (above) which too has been neglected for over a decade; Loggans Mill, near Hayle, a four storey, once water driven steam powered mill, which has been vacant and scaffolded for many years and is listed on the Heritage England Risk Register and Great Wheal Busy, Chacewater, described by Historic England, as '...a remarkably well surviving example of this type building and is perhaps one of the largest blacksmith's workshops in the country'. This important building without parallel in mining heritage is situated within the World heritage Site and has been neglected for over 50 years.

Paul Holden added ‘All over the county important heritage assets are being neglected. Places being slowly lost through needless mistreatment include the Lamb and Flag smelting works which remains forgotten and unprotected; Respryn bridge near Bodmin, a medieval river crossing that is constantly damaged by traffic and where a solution from Cornwall Council is slow in coming forward and the Grade 2 listed St Paul’s church on the Tregolls Road in Truro which we have gathered well over 1,300 signatures on an online petition to prevent its demolition. Our Group is calling on custodians of these historic assets to invest in their future so that future generations can understand their environments in three dimensions and not just from archival resources.’

Do you have concerns over a building at risk in your area? If so contact

The Cornish Buildings Group risk register can be viewed at