Your Council

The Group is administered by up to 16 Council members who are elected at the Annual General Meeting, which is held in the Spring. Current Council members include architects, conservation officers, historic advisers, planning consultants, writers and lecturers on architecture and building.

The Council meets once a month to review projects and planning applications, plan events and discuss future opportunities. The Council has a sub-group which reviews and writes reports appertaining to planning applications.

The Council have wide experience in planning, policy and conservation and as such regularly attend various committees in the county including the Design Review Panel, DAC, Truro Cathedral FAC and local design group panels.

Patrick Newberry - Chair

Beverley Kendall - Vice-chair 

Jo Moore  - Secretary 

Katrina Royall- Treasurer

Jo Moore - Membership secretary

Samantha Barnes-Knight - Visits co-ordinator & media secretary 

Nick Collins - Awards Co-ordinator

Eric Berry 

Terry Knight

John St Brioc Hooper

Phil Tizzard

Deborah Boden


Please take a moment to watch this brilliant video of the late, brilliant Nick Cahill, made for Porthmeor Studios in April 2016.

Nick was on the CBG Council for 15 years and was Chairman from 2009-10. He sadly and suddenly passed away in March 2020. We miss him terribly, and hope that this is a little reminder of the amount of knowledge that was in his head (and that scarf!).